Chapter 7

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Tig took her to school like he'd done when they were at the clubhouse. He promised he'd be there to pick her up when she got out. Before he let her leave, he pulled her in for a passionate kiss. As she was walking away, he smacked her ass making her turn around and playfully glare at him. He was just grinning at her as he watched her walk into the building. While Tig was gone, Happy was arguing with Jax over Tig taking her to school. He thought Tig had been compromised since he was sleeping with their hostage.

"It could be an advantage to us. He could persuade her to help us more than she already is." Jax countered.

"She despises 'er cousin fer wha' 'e puts 'er through, Hap. I don' think she's a threat t' us." Chibs added in.

Happy was still untrusting despite her lying about who he was when she went to get a new door handle for her front door. Tig finally returned and parked his bike in the garage and shut the door before walking into her house. The other three were lounging around the living room as they had been doing. Jax was waiting on Tig to return to tell the group what he had Juice dig up about their hostage and her cousin.

"Ok, I had Juice dig into Aria and Evan." Jax stated.

"Why would you do that?" Tig inquired.

"I think we need to know more about him so we have something to leverage besides her whom he clearly has no regards for." Jax stated.

"Wha' did Juicy find?" Chibs asked as Tig found a seat on the couch.

"This house belonged to her parents. It was given to her when they died. She's had several jobs throughout her life, a spotless work and driving record, and no trouble with the law. Two years ago, as her mother was sick, she decided to change career paths and go to school to become a nurse. She doesn't have a job at the moment. She pays her bills using trust fund money that was left to her when her parents died.

She owns her truck, did eight years in the US Navy, and is using her GI Bill to go to school now. Evan, however, is the complete opposite of her. He's gotten into scuffles with the law numerous times for possession, attempt to distribute, car theft, vandalism, and graffiti. He's lived here for the last five years and seems to have a bad relationship with everyone else in their family. He can't keep a job according to his work record and has no vehicle of his own." Jax explained.

"Well, she did say that he'd burned everyone else in their family." Tig commented.

"She seems t' 'ave a big 'eart. Probably doesn't wan' t' see 'er family out on tha street despite wha' 'e does." Chibs added in.

"So what leverage do we have over him besides Aria?" Tig questioned.

"Doesn't seem like much. He's just a run-of-the-mill scumbag." Jax shrugged, "What's your take?"

"Well 'e clearly 'as no regards fer 'er safety." Chibs commented, "Perhaps threatenin' 'im with 'is own life might be tha better solution."

"What are we going to do about her?" Jax asked as he looked around.

"She just wants to be left alone to go to school and live in peace." Tig quickly piped up, "I don't think she'll give us any problems."

"We can't trust her!" Happy immediately voiced.

"You've been gunning for her since we stormed her house!" Tig stood up, eyes blazing.

"We don't know if she's working with him or not. And now she's got you wrapped around her finger." Happy stood up as well.

"Boys! Settle down." Chibs stood up and walked so he was standing between them.

"She's been helping us with Evan and she's given us no reason to not trust her, Hap." Jax stated making Tig sigh that the blond seemed to see things his way.

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