Chapter 10

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Jax finally got the call that the Sons of Las Vegas had picked up the man they were after. It made the blond biker leader sigh with relief. They made plans to meet in Bakersfield, California which was roughly half-way between Charming and Vegas. After getting off the phone with Vegas, Jax called Juice to bring the van. They'd be picking up Evan in Bakersfield. Hearing that her cousin had been found made several emotions hit her.

Sadness. But not for what the bikers were ultimately going to do to her cousin. She had come to accept their presence in her house. It was nice having more than just herself to cook for. And they were pretty funny. Especially Chibs and Tig. She was a bit upset that her sexual partner would probably go away and she'd never see him again. He was really good in bed and seemed to know how to read her to push all her buttons. Happy. She was happy that she'd, hopefully, be taken off lock down and would be able to go wherever she wanted without an escort.

She was mostly sad and it confused her as to why. This was nothing she'd ever felt before after her cousin had dealt with whoever he'd screwed over and she'd been held hostage. Why was she feeling this way over these bikers? Sure, they had been the kindest of her captors thus far. They hadn't mistreated her, talked down to her, or even threatened her life like some of the others had. They always showed gratitude when she cooked for them instead of acting like it was her responsibility to look after them while she was in "captivity". She'd had more laughter around her house while they were there than she had in several years.

Hell, they even got to know her a little bit as they brought her into some of their conversations. Is that why she was feeling so sad about them leaving and probably never seeing them again? Because they'd been so nice to her during her captivity? It messed her up in the head and she didn't know what to do about it. Tig told her he'd be picking her up after class and that they'd be heading out to Bakersfield with his brothers to deal with her cousin. She was coming because she was their leverage and Jax was allowing her some final words to him before they dealt with him.

She was thankful class got out early that day. Tig sat there on his bike waiting for her. He knew it was going to be an emotional night for her since she knew they were about to kill her cousin. The same one who kept getting her mixed up in his shit. Whom she kept being taken hostage for when all she wanted was a peaceful life. He couldn't imagine how she was feeling as she walked over to where he sat. "You ready?" he asked earning a silent head nod in return. He climbed onto his bike then handed her his helmet. She climbed on after fixing his helmet on her head and slipping the straps to her backpack onto her shoulders.

"Who will do it?" Tig suddenly heard her ask as they drove to meet up with Jax and the rest.

"I'm the SAA so it'll probably be me." He replied.

Her lover. He would be the one killing her cousin. The one who kept getting her mixed up with bikers, gangsters, and all sorts of nefarious groups because of his idiotic decisions. She didn't know how she felt about that. Tig gave her hand a squeeze as they zipped along to their designated meeting location with Jax. The drive to Bakersfield would be roughly three and a half hours from their current location. It would be dark when they arrived. They all knew that Evan had probably blown all his money, or at least the biggest majority of it, and they'd never see their guns again.

This was her cousin they were about to kill. Her flesh and blood. He'd made some dumb mistakes but hasn't everyone? She sighed as her mind raced. What would she tell him? Could she say anything to him? She'd warned him about his decisions one day killing him, she just never expected it to be quite this soon. On the other hand, she couldn't help but go over each time she'd been held hostage. Especially the violent times. It had taken her a while to get over first incident where she had fought back. The sexual assault and severe beating was nearly too much for her.

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