Chapter 21

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Aria was still sitting at a table with Chibs just talking about his homeland and why he'd come to the US. It saddened her to hear someone had literally stolen his wife and daughter from him and black balled him from his own country. She shook her head not understanding how one person could do that to another. He just laughed and said it didn't bother him anymore. He had his biker family and that's all that really mattered. Gemma looked over to where Aria was sitting with Chibs and wondered what they were discussing.

Jax reassured his mother that she was no threat and to try and get along with Tig's 'ol lady. Lyla waved at Aria when she saw the young woman making Aria wave and smile back. She didn't know any of the other women that were there so she just remained where she was talking with Chibs. Tig finally had a seat with them as he awaited Jax to call church. The blond biker leader finally called all the patched members to church to discuss how to go about dealing with this other club. Gemma moved to have a seat with Aria making the younger woman a bit suspicious.

"So. How are things going with Tigger?" Gemma asked.

"Great." Aria simply answered.

"Tell me something. How does a woman make a life with one of her kidnappers?" Gemma got down to it.

"Great sex." Aria shrugged making Lyla laugh as she moved to sit down with the duo.

"Great sex, huh?" Gemma repeated, "That's all?"

"That's all it started out as. Then we started getting to know one another properly and I found I actually liked the weirdo. (Lyla giggled again) He's a great man and treats me better than I've ever been treated." Aria explained.

"I see." Gemma said, "And you're ok with his lifestyle?"

"To love the man is to love the club, right? That's what he told me. I may not come from this life but I love him. I'm doing my best to accept what happens with this club." Aria looked over at Gemma.

"Uh huh. What about your cousin?" Gemma inquired.

"What about him?" Aria asked.

"What's to stop you from blabbing to anyone who'll listen about what happened to him?" Gemma inquired.

"I've already lied to his parents about what I know of their son. I don't want them knowing what truly happened to Evan. None of my family knows anything about what he's put me through due to his idiotic decisions. I don't want them to know. This is a secret I'll take to my grave." She exclaimed.

"Uh huh." Gemma stated as she looked Aria up and down, "So you've lied about what happened to your cousin to your own family already?"

"I acted dumb like I didn't already know what had happened to him when my aunt called me. They know he was last seen in Vegas but that's it. His friends couldn't find him so I suggested he may have run afoul of someone out there. They know he makes dumb decisions and gets into trouble a lot. It wasn't a stretch to sell her that lie." Aria shrugged, "And I'll keep selling it as long as I can. I'll deny ever knowing what truly happened to him."

"Huh." Gemma just said.

"I'm not a rat. This is a secret that I'll take to my grave." Aria retorted.

Gemma just nodded her head as Lyla looked between the pair. The Queen sat there digesting what Aria had told her. Lyla got Aria to chatting about work ending the conversation the Queen had been having with Aria. She told Lyla some strange and funny stories about her work making the blond laugh. 'Well, she seems to be fitting in pretty well.' Gemma thought as she listened to Aria talking to Lyla. The blond laughed hard at one particular story Aria told making her chuckle at the blond.

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