Chapter 13

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She didn't think this day would ever come. Graduation day! Tig promised to be there. He had taken the day off so he could prepare his surprise for her. A romantic dinner at a nice restaurant for her graduation then back to her place for some sexy fun. She was shocked to discover that she'd landed her residency at St Thomas hospital in Charming. Her transcripts spoke volumes and the hospital admin told her they were very interested in having her as part of their family. The commute would be too much for her each day so after some thought, she decided to put her house up for sale and move into Charming.

She called the local realtor in Charming after she listed her house and explained what she was looking for. He had several he thought she'd like so she made an appointment to go looking at them. Moving to Charming had never been her plan but it seems Fate had other ideas. She'd be closer to Tig all the time now. Perhaps they'd be able to see one another more than just on the weekends. Of course, that could be a good or bad thing!

He still seemed as interested in her now as he was when she was their captive. His feelings haven't seemed to faded any, if anything they've gotten stronger over the time they've been together. She had come to care very much for the curly haired killer despite her best efforts to keep him at arms' length. Getting to know him, the real him, made her fall hard for him. Even shortly after they got together, she was sure she could live without him. Now it was a different story. She was a bit nervous about him arriving that night. They would have to discuss her move and her residency.

She had a pot roast going in her crock pot, had already cleaned her house, and wasn't set to start her residency for another month. She finally heard the sound of his bike and her heart rate spiked. There was a long conversation they'd have to have and she wasn't sure how he was going to take her living and working in Charming. That was his home. He walked in with his bag, like he always did, and smiled when he saw her sitting on the couch. He pulled her up off the couch and into his arms.

"I've missed you so much!" He smiled before leaning down and kissing her.

"I've missed you too, Tig." She replied when they pulled apart, "We need to have a discussion."

"Oh?" He looked at her.

"Yeah. I've got a residency already." She moved to sit back down on the couch, "At St Thomas in Charming. They loved my transcripts and say that if I do good during my residency I could be hired full time there."

"That's a long drive!" He stated.

"Yeah. So, uh, I've decided to sell my house and move to Charming. It would ease the commute. Especially if they do hire me." She stared at her hands, "I've already put this house on the market and I've got a realtor there in Charming looking for houses for me. He says he has a few he'd like to show me. I've got an appointment in a few days to check them out."

"So, you're really going to move to Charming?" Tig asked.


"Why do you sound so...disappointed?" He asked.

"I didn't know how you'd take the news. That's your home, not mine." She replied, "And I made these decisions without you."

"This is your life, baby! I'm thrilled you're moving to Charming! It'll make it a whole lot easier to see you." He smiled as he pulled her into his arms.

"You're really not mad?" She asked.

"Not at all." He kissed her forehead, "How long is your residency?"

"Most residency programs typically last from six to twelve months. I believe my school's is about nine months long." She explained.

"Cool." He kissed her forehead again, "I'm so proud of you, baby."

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