Chapter 22

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The group got quiet as they ate their dinner. Hearing Aria lie to her family eased some of the distrust Happy had for her. Perhaps she would keep their secret after all. After she finished eating, she told Tig she was heading to their room. He swatted her butt as she turned around making her squeal then glare playfully at him earning a smirk in return. "What? I like playing with your ass!" he exclaimed making Chibs laugh and her shake her head.

She threw her trash away then headed to their dorm room. It had been a long day and she really wanted to get a shower before bed. Hoping the shower was clean, she took her showering stuff with her into the bathroom. Chibs got Tig talking about how they were at home making Tig shrug. "Like any other family, I guess." he stated making Chibs urge him to continue talking.

"She makes dinner for us when she gets home. We have dinner then sit around and watch TV or movies." He shrugged again, "Nothing exciting."

"Except when people break into your house?" Happy stated.

"Yeah." Tig took a swig of his beer, "We do have sex a lot. (Tig chuckled) But I'm sure you assumed that."

"Aye." Chibs laughed, "Think she can 'andle the biker lifestyle?"

"She's a go-with-the-flow type. I think she can handle anything." Tig replied, "I mean, she didn't freak out when we took her hostage. Just adapted and went along with everything."

"Dat's true." Chibs nodded.

"Gemma doesn't trust her for some reason. I'm hoping getting to spend some time together will change her outlook on Aria." Tig sighed.

"Don' worry to much, Tigger. Ye know 'ow Gemma is." Chibs offered.

"Yeah but I want her to get along with my wife. We're together for the long haul." Tig retorted.

The next morning, Aria dressed and headed to the kitchen to grab some coffee for her and Tig. Lyla, a redheaded woman, and Gemma were in there making breakfast for everyone. Aria greeted everyone cordially. Lyla greeted her back as she poured two cups of coffee. Gemma asked her to help make breakfast since she was an 'ol lady so Aria said she would once she took Tig his coffee. The Queen just smiled as Aria left the kitchen to head to their room. He was still asleep when she left his coffee on the desk.

When she made it back to the kitchen, she asked what she could do to help. Gemma had her making croissants while Lyla stirred a skillet of scrambled eggs and the redhead looked over a skillet of pan sausage. Gemma was fluttering in and out of the kitchen refilling people's coffee cups and over seeing breakfast. Aria stood there doing as she was asked without speaking to anyone else. Lyla introduced the redhead, Tammy, to Aria making both women greet one another. Tammy was the 'ol lady of one of the bikers Aria had not been formally introduced to.

"So whose 'ol lady are you?" Tammy inquired when Gemma left to check on her son.

"Tig's." Aria retorted, not bothering to look up from the counter.

"Tig took an 'ol lady?" Tammy scoffed, "Much less some stuck up bitch like you?"

"I am his 'ol lady whether you want to believe it or not. He's inked me, we're married, and we live together. He no longer needs the clubhouse whores to keep him occupied and satisfied." Aria hissed as she looked over at Tammy whose mouth was hanging open.

"I know Tig. You're not his type. He likes 'em...I'll just say...dressing differently." Tammy folded her arms over her chest.

Aria raised her sleeve up to show off the tattoo on her upper arm, "See? I have his crow. Maybe he was tired of those cheap, slutty whores and wanted a real woman for once."

None realized Tig and Gemma were standing just outside the kitchen listening in. Tig was incredibly proud of how his wife was handling things.

"You need to learn your place around here." Tammy shot back.

"How did you snag your 'ol man, Tammy? Were you one of those cheap whores just looking for anything with a kutte on to give you a life?" Aria ranted, "Because I have a life that doesn't involve this club. I don't need my 'ol man to give me the life I want. I worked hard to get the career I have and I didn't have to fuck the entire club to get it."

"Holy shit." Lyla's jaw hit the floor

"Why you..." Tammy started before Tig and Gemma entered the room.

Tig was laughing so hard he could hardly breath. He draped his arm around Aria's shoulder making her smirk at the redhead.

"That was awesome, babe." Tig stated before kissing her forehead.

"Need more coffee?" Aria inquired sweetly.

"Yes." Tig chuckled, "Damn, I love your sassiness."

Gemma just watched the display with great interest. Aria smiled slightly before taking his cup and refilling it then handing it back. He kissed her forehead again before leaving the women alone once more. They were all quiet as they worked. Gemma was quite surprised at how quick Aria had put Tammy in her place. Although Aria seemed proud of her relationship with Tig, she was also proud of the life she'd built outside of the club. She didn't really need Tig. She wanted him. She chose him. Perhaps she wasn't as bad as Gemma had thought after all.

Breakfast was finally ready so Gemma called everyone to get their plates. Women and children ate first so once the women with children made their plates, Lyla and Aria stood in line to get theirs. Tig had to brag to Chibs and Happy at how his wife had handled Tammy. It still made him laugh to think about it. All Chibs could do was smile at his SAA. As the last of the women came out of the kitchen with plates, the men began lining up to make theirs. Aria sat down with her husband, Chibs, and Happy.

Jax called church after breakfast to discuss whether they thought it was safe to life the lockdown or not. Bobby thought it was but Ratboy was a bit hesitant. Tig and Chibs both agreed with Bobby. Since their meeting the previous day, there had been no retaliation on them. It seemed their message had been received loud and clear. The blond biker leader took a vote on lifting the lockdown. Although not a unanimous decision, the majority did vote for lifting it. Jax knew his mother would be relieved to hear she could go back to her own home at the end of the work day.

Having their decision made, Jax slammed the gavel down and released everyone. The blond walked out, grabbed everyone's attention, and explained that they decided to lift the lockdown. He thanked everyone for their patience and understanding while they tried to keep everyone safe. Cheers could be heard as people celebrated the lockdown being lifted. Tig just chuckled. Aria was thrilled she'd be getting to go back to work soon. She liked being in her own space despite liking a few of the bikers.

After she helped clean up the kitchen from breakfast, Tig asked his wife if she was ready to head home. Taking a deep breath, she nodded making him smile. She'd get to leave for work the following morning without needing and escort which she hated. It made her feel like a little kid. She was a grown woman and liked to be independent. They bid everyone goodbye then headed home. As soon as they arrived, she got on her laundry so she had clean clothes to wear to work. He wanted to take her as soon as they got home but she made him wait until after she got their laundry going.

A/N: Please review and vote below!

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