Chapter 24

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A/N: This is probably going to be pretty short as this is the last chapter of this book. I want to thank all who've read/voted/commented. It's greatly appreciated! Enjoy!

The household fell back into their normal routine. She made them breakfast each morning. Afterwards he headed off to the garage to either start working on cars or bikes or went off on club business. She headed to the hospital for her shift there. It was hard because sometimes she had the night shift which screwed up her sleeping schedule. If she had the morning shift, she'd go home, start dinner, and wait for Tig to come home.

She'd get a shower then they'd cuddle and watch TV or a movie before bed. Then the day would start all over again. If she had the night shift, she'd stop by the local diner before work to get a bite to eat then head over to the hospital. Tig usually called in for take-out when she had the nightshift. He made her breakfast so it was ready when she came home that morning. They would shower together, she loved it when he washed her hair for her, before she crawled into bed and he headed off to the clubhouse.

Every so often she was called to the clubhouse to patch up wounded bikers. She always did it with care, not once judging anyone for what had transpired. As she gained experience at work, she also gained confidence in what she could do for the bikers. Her first experience she was still a student and didn't have any real-world experience. Now she had and was very commanding, but polite, when she had to help the bikers out.

Gemma was still warming up to the woman. Aria was always quick to show off her crow tattoo to anyone who doubted Tig had taken an 'ol lady. She didn't take people's shit which the Queen did like about her. She was polite to everyone and never seemed to look down on others. It was odd to Gemma. Still, she couldn't hate the woman since she always came when she was asked to patch up bikers. She made Tig happy. What more could the Queen ask for? Staring out the window to her office, she watched Tig and Opie talking about some car Opie was having trouble with.

The garage was still doing good business. Jax had been talking to his mother about expanding it so they had more bays to work on the cars and more tools to help with work. Gemma wasn't sure about the idea but the blond biker was insistent. She finally gave in and headed to the bank to get a loan so she could buy the property next to where the garage and clubhouse stood. Sighing with relief when she got it, she headed to the realtor's office to buy said property. They'd need to have it cleared of all brush and debris before they could officially expand the garage, however.

Happy finally decided that Aria was no threat to the club and started being a little more friendly towards Tig's wife. Aria and Chibs had become quite close as she slowly let the bikers into her life. He was the closest thing to a best friend, besides Tig, she had. Jax had become more like a protective older brother. They teased one another a lot and she sometimes baby sat for him when he had club stuff to do at night. Aria and Happy were more like drinking buddies. They had a silent agreement, hardly actually speaking to one another, but liked sitting together having a drink or two.

She and Bobby liked trading recipes. Sometimes if she was feeling overly generous, she'd make baked goods for the club and bring them over. Her baked goodies were just as loved as the Elvis impersonator's although she never put a special ingredient into hers. She even brought in other goodies like banana nut bread and banana pudding. Aria loved talking about baking with Bobby. She teased Juice like the others did although he never took offense to it. Her and Ratboy were more like acquaintances than actual friends since they never really talked. Tig talked about her quite a bit so Ratboy knew a lot about her just from what he'd heard from the SAA.

Quinn intimidated her so she never really got to know him as well as some of the others. The long-haired biker thought it was amusing. Gemma wasn't as frosty since she was slowly warming up to Tig's 'ol lady when she hosted her family dinners. Aria was always willing to help even if all Gemma needed was for her to set the table. The younger woman did whatever Gemma needed without copping an attitude or making any sort of noise. She just happily did whatever was asked of her. Sometimes Gemma thought she was too polite.

Every so often, Tig would bring a few of his brothers home for dinner which they all loved. She was as good a cook as the Queen was according to Tig. It always made her laugh when they'd kiss her cheek like they did Gemma in thanks for allowing them to come over and eat. When a bad case of the flu hit the bikers and nearly all of them were down, she and Gemma got together to make a huge pot of homemade chicken noodle soup for the bikers. Aria helped deliver soup to those who had their own homes while the Queen took soup to the clubhouse.

It was little things like the flu incident that started to make Gemma accept Aria as part of the family. Tig's wife didn't have to help with making or delivering soup but she did because it needed to be done. Aria even helped clean the biker's homes with Gemma and then the clubhouse while they were all down to help keep them from spreading the illness or making people worse. Tig's wife was slowly integrating into the biker's world as time went on. Despite the way she'd met them, she was indeed learning to love the club as well as her 'ol man.

A/N: I think this is a good place to end this book. I hope you've all enjoyed this as much as I have. Thanks for reading/voting/commenting!

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