Chapter 1

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Whenever Athena thinks about that summer in Dubai, her mind conjures up two things – the desert and an Arabic song she doesn't know the name of. That was when she met Ava for the first time. Sipping her vanilla latte, Ava was strolling through City Walk aimlessly when a total stranger bumped into her, spilling the drink all over her white wrap dress, followed by a string of sorries. And in the next five minutes, she was sitting in a café with a girl she had never met before, having a serious conversation about a web series she was binging on. That was the beginning of an everlasting bond. In the next two weeks, she was already on an adventure with this bespectacled girl. Athena was the second-best thing that ever happened to her. The 'best' was reserved for when she would meet her soulmate, which she hadn't yet.

Ever since that day, they were inseparable. The girls had a lot in common, ranging from their algophobia to their immense love for tortoises. For those of you who do not know, algophobia is an abnormal fear of pain that is far more powerful than that of a normal person. Athena had always wanted to own a pet tortoise. So did Ava. But neither of them had enough time to invest in a pet. Athena did have a tortoise tattoo, on the back of her neck, which was always hidden, either underneath her jet-black hair or turtlenecks and high collar shirts, most of the time. Ava was the first person she ever showed it to.

Born and brought up on the red planet, the blue was a pleasant change for Ava. After a bad break-up, apparently, she did not want to stay there anymore. Besides, Planet Earth was her dream destination since childhood. For Athena, Ava was the perfect example of what she would like to look like – beautiful ginger curls, emerald green eyes, and a dimple to die for. Athena adored the freckles on her face sprinkled about like confetti, which Ava hated. Funnily enough, it bore a resemblance to the acne marks on her skin. Well, that is how it is. The grass is always greener on the other side.

The day she met Ava, Athena met someone else – a guy. She couldn't remember much of the dream. But some details stayed imprinted on her mind – the vast desert ... the twilight ... his beguiling black curls ... irresistible smile ... bewitching brows ... 

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