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Nude bodies of every shape and gender lay about the decently decorated room. They caressed each other on top of elaborately embroidered pillows that spread across a glistening marble floor. Fine silk tapestries hung from the walls giving the illusion of privacy in the large banquet hall. The lavish smell of indulgence and sweat was so thick you could taste it. 

Lovemaking was carefully crafted in this room. And no one took it more seriously than Caspian. An elven man with beautiful tan skin. He lazed about in a pile of sensuous human luxury.  He gently kissed the woman under his arm and she matched his energy.

"Take me again your Majesty." She nibbled on his ear as she whispered to him.

A grin grew on his face as he tilted his head. Exposing his neck to her. She began to cover him in kisses. His fingers ran their way up her bare back. He teased the short hairs on the nape of her neck.

She responded with shuddery anticipation. Following the lines of his silver tattoos. She traced over them with her tongue, luring the same kind of reaction out of him. 

Not far from the lovemaking couple stood a giant in the shadows. The Royal bodyguard. He stood with arms crossed. He rubbed his eyes, just to relieve his brain of the vision before him. When one of his men approached him with a paper. Rowan took it into his paw and glanced over the obvious headline.

Just as she climbed on top of him, the large man stepped out of the shadows. "My lord, the tabloids have mentioned you again." Rowan sounded less than pleased. His usually bright amber eyes dull with exhaustion.

"I'm sorry my dear but we will have to pick this up in a few moments."

The woman understood and crawled off of the king and back onto the mass of people who invited her back with a loving embrace.

He took the newspaper from his loyal bodyguard. "Playboy?" Caspian wondered as he read the news headline aloud. "Did they really call me a playboy?"

"I don't know why they'd ever do that..." The woman said with a giggle that spread throughout the group.

Rowan eyed the pile of people but chose to ignore them. 'Why are elves so fucking lascivious?' He wondered to himself. With a wave from his king, he resigned to his post in the shadows.

"Playboy King..." Caspian whispered the words again. "I kind of like the ring of that...." He welcomed the woman on top of him again as a few others embraced him as well. 

A man behind Caspian began to kiss the king's neck. As the woman began to work his body back up to pre-interruption.

Shilo's New WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz