1- I'll Be Ok For You

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*leahs pov*

Do you know what it's like to want something so bad, that you somehow wish and manifest it into reality? Yeah, me either, until this summer. It's like God..or whoever is up there, finally tuned into my thoughts and actually listened to them.

So basically like a miracle. When you're at your lowest, and you think that things can only keep going down hill from here, it's like someone put me in a wheel barrel and started wheeling me back up the hill. And everything started to get better.

It was like breathing in a big bubble of happiness. And I mean real happiness. Not like being happy for .5 seconds, then going back to crying yourself to sleep. No. It was like I was in a totally glamorous and totally happy movie. And I was the main character.

But, unfortunately, not all movies end with a happy ending. And you know what? That's ok.

What I'm trying to say here is that I was blessed with an angel, in a time that I most needed help. And by angel, I mean a normal human girl. And she did help, but some angels...have dirty secrets just like the rest of us. I know, surprise surprise, she had a secret. Big deal.

But it was a big deal. Big enough to break me and my heart, to a point where I could never be fixed.

But that's enough of describing my life story, let's actually go through it, from the beginning...and see what happened..


"Leah I am not being selfish for trying to get you help." My mom says and crosses her arms. "I'm not stupid ma. I know that my mental issues are the talk around your neighborhood because blabber mouth over here had to go and tell all her friends." I say and look over at my little sister. "I didn't know they would tell their parents! And do you expect me to lie to them when they ask about you, and say you weren't in rehab??" Sarah asks. "For the record, I'm not in rehab anymore." I say and put my finger up.

"I know that dummy, but you were when they asked about you." She rolls her eyes and I flip her off. "Ok girls stop. Sarah don't call Leah a dummy. Leah don't flip your sister off." My mom sighs.

"Look, I know you want me to get help. But I also know that the fact that your other mom friends think I'm mentally incompetent, adds on to why you want me to get help." I tilt my head. "Ok, the gossip does add to
the problem. But I want you to get help for you. Not for anyone, or for what anyone thinks." My mom says and holds both my hands.

I force a smile and squeeze her hands a little. "Yeah Lee, I may be bitch sometimes, but I still want you to be healthy." My sister says and my mom's Jaw drops. I bust out laughing and my mom takes her hands away from mine. "Sarah you're 15 years old. You can not say bitch!" My mom says and I laugh even more.

"This is your doing Leah. She's rubbing off of you. You're a bad influence!" My mom says and slaps my arm. "Oh please I don't cuss anymore than you do. And you're the one she lives with. She's around you more." I giggle and my mom rolls her eyes.

"Alright I'd love to stick around and chit-chat more. But I've got a dog to feed, and a bed to lay in." I say and stand up. "Leah please don't go home and just lay around." My mom says and I tilt my head. "I'm just joking. Remember I told you that yoga class starts today. It's my first step to getting better!" I say with sarcastic enthusiasm. "That actually is good Leah. I'm proud of you." She says and I smile.

"Ok don't go all soft on me. I'll see you guys later, tell dad I said hi." I say and walk over to the front door, opening it. "Ok b-bye." My mom says. "Byee sissy." I say to Sarah but she just sticks her tongue out at me. I smile to myself, and head out to my car.


I get home and throw my keys on the counter. I hear the 'tip-tap' of paws hitting the wooden floor down the hall, and I prepare for impact.

"Hi puppy." I smile as my dog, Andy, jumps all over me with excitement. "Yeah I missed you too.." I say sweetly.

He calms down and I go and put food in his bowl in the kitchen. He sits down and eats, so I go upstairs and do exactly what my mom thinks and hopes I'm not doing. Which is laying in bed...at 4 pm in the afternoon.

See it's funny because I could go see my family or go out with my friends, and have the best time. But I would come home after, and feel the same nothingness I've felt for so long. The nothingness that I can hide when I'm with others, but hits me like a bullet when I'm alone.

Yeah, it can really suck. I mean it used to when it first started happening. But after a while, I just got used to what has now become a part of my daily routine. That's the sad part, it's already effected me to the point where it can't anymore.

So yeah, I lied about going to yoga to get out of my mom worrying about me for the five thousandth fucking time in a day. Seriously, the constant calls and texts gets annoying, so that's when I started to lie.

I was painting pottery last weekend...which is what my mom thinks. When in reality I was actually laying on the couch watching Forrest Gump and crying like a bitch. But hey, as long as my mom isn't worried. I mean she's not gonna text me a whole bunch if she thinks I'm taking some type of artsy fartsy class.

I do feel bad from time to time since my family does just care about me. But I don't really have much hope for myself, and I'm not gonna bring my family down with me. So as long as they think I'm doing ok, then I'll be ok.


Hey dudesss. I'm back, I know you missed me🥴 But I'm starting this new book, and it's gonna be kind of different from my other ones. Trust me, it's very much drama filled, but it just has more feelings than the rest of my books. Which is probably surprising since my books usually have an ass ton of feelings, but this one is more in depth. I haven't been in the best state of mind lately, and I like to write, so I decided to incorporate some of my feelings into a story so I can at least give you guys something😭 But yeah👍🏼 lemme know if I should continue this book. Jennifer is probably gonna come in the next chapter or so. So that's when everything is actually gonna start😎🙈 Be sure to like and comment! And thankyou for all the views on my other books!💞💞

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