9-No Rush

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*leahs pov*

"What do you usually do in your free time?" My therapist asks. "Umm, well I have a dog." I nod and so does she. "Any hobbies?" She asks. "I like to cook sometimes..but I don't really have anything else." I shrug. "Do you have any friends, or people you spend time?" She asks. "My family lives close, so I see them at least once a week." I explain and she writes on her little notepad.

"Anyone else?" She asks. I look up and think, which is sad that I have to think because I really don't have many friends. But then, of course, Jennifer comes to mind. I've been seeing her a lot lately. So she definitely counts.

"I have a friend that I see a lot." I nod. "How much is a lot?" She asks. "Um, I don't know, she texts me like twice a week to hangout, and sometimes she just shows up." I shrug and she writes more. "Her name is Jennifer-." I throw in just so she knows. "She's really nice." I smile and so does she.

I don't know why I keep talking about her, my therapist gets the idea. God shutup Leah.

"Your mood seemed to change when you brought this 'Jennifer' up." She points out and tilts her head. I raise one brow and realize she's right. "How so?.." I ask kind of confused. "Well when you first got here, I could tell you were very blunt about all this, and you wanted to be anywhere else but here. Then we you started talking about this friend...well, it seemed like you didn't want to stop talking about her.." She says.

I shake my head and look at the ground. "Is this girl special to you?" She asks. "I guess you could say that." I shrug. "She's the first friend I've had in a while." I explain and she nods. "Does she make you feel special?" She asks randomly. "That's exactly how she makes me feel, she makes me happy." I nod.

"Well that's great, it's always good to have somebody." She nods. "Are you taking any medication." She asks. "My physiologist prescribed me pills last year for depression and anxiety, and i've been getting re fills since then." I say which isn't completely true since I've never even gotten one re fill because I just now started taking them...

"You haven't gotten any new prescriptions since then?" She asks. "No." I shake my head. "And you have been taking those pills since last year?" She asks. "Yes.." I lie. "Well I spoke to your mom and she let me in on how things are going.." She explains and I raise one brow.

"And it looks like we're gonna give you a new prescription." She says. "Why-?" I ask since my pills are fine. "Just...an update." She shrugs and I furrow my brows. "What did my mom say?" I ask with attitude. "What-?" She says before I cut her off.

"Are the pills not 'working' or something?" I cross my arms. "No, you're doing fine, everyone just needs a new prescription here and there." She shrugs, making it not a big deal.

She jots something down on a little piece of paper, than she hands it to me. "Take this to the pharmacy and they'll give you your new prescription." I look at it, then I look at her and force a smile.

"Thanks." I say bluntly. "I'll see you next week." She says and I roll my eyes once I turn around. I get in my car and head to the little cafe that me and Jen went to when we first met. She told my to meet her there after my therapy session so we could have coffee.

"How was it?" Jennifer asks. "Below average.." I say as I stir my coffee. "I'm sorry. I know those things can be annoying. So what did your therapist say?" She asks.

"I have to get my prescription changed." I press my lips. "Can they do that without you requesting it?" She asks. "I think my mom requested it because she talked to my therapist.." I sigh. "Why?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders. 

I sigh and take a sip of my drink. "I mean you don't have to change your prescription if you don't want to." She shrugs. "Yeah but I have to." I tilt my head. "I guess." She shrugs.

"I don't know, maybe it will help." I sigh. "Mmm." She shrugs. "Do you wanna get going?" I ask. "Sure." She nods and we both stand up.


"Why didn't you tell me..." My mom sighs with disappointment. It's 3 days after my appointment, and she's more focused on my now non-existent job than how my appointment went. "I don't know, I kind of just wiped it out of my head once it was over." I shrug. "You can't just 'wipe' it out. You need to think about why you got fired and change that so you can get another job and make money." She says getting frustrated.

"Look, I'll find something else soon." I shrug. "You're not even serious about this." She says. "How?! I am!" I say and roll my eyes. "God, you might as well still be in high school." She says and walks away. "Fuck you.." I mumble to myself.

I leave my moms house and get back home. Andy runs up to me like always, so I give him all my attention. "You're the only one I actually like." I smile and scratch behind his ears. He rolls over so I can rub his belly, and that what I do. I play with him for a little longer, the I get up to fill his food bowl.

"Are you gonna get the new prescription?" I read a text from Jen. I sigh and put my phone on the coffee table. I sit down on the couch and hold my knees to my chest. I sigh as all these thoughts come to my mind.

I always have a day once a week when I just overthink. It's like i'm trapped in my mind. And I can't get out. You know when your thoughts just overtake your whole body? That's how I feel. And it's not like anything 'triggers' me. It just happens, and I wait it out. I let my mind travel, and the tears fall until they can't anymore. Then I usually just go to sleep like nothing ever happened.

The tears are already down my cheeks, and the headache is already starting up. I feel Andy jump up on the couch, and he nudges his head between my head and my knee. So I lift my head up and let him lay his head there. He looks at me with these eyes, almost like he was trying to tell me to 'keep your head up'.

I wipe my cheeks which is useless since the tears aren't stopping. These types of situations aren't easy to explain, they just happen. I let Andy as he whimpers because he knows I'm upset. Suddenly I hear the front door open, and I already know who it is since I gave Jennifer my spare house key last weekend.

I look up at her as she walks in through the front door. Her facial expression changes as she closes the door and realizes I'm crying. "Baby what's wrong?" She asks and quickly puts down her purse and walks over to me.

She sits beside me and immediately holds my hand. "I don't know." I shrug. "How do you not k-." She says starting to get frustrated, but she calms down. "It's ok.." She shakes her head.

"Here, let's go upstairs so you can lay down." She says as we stand up. She holds my hand as we go upstairs, and Andy follows behind us.

I lay down in my bed, and Andy jumps on the bed and lays his head on my thigh. "He knows what you're feeling." Jen says and tilts her head. at Andy. "He's a good boy." I smile and let his head.

"I'll get you some water." She nods and goes downstairs. I continue to pet Andy once Jen comes back upstairs with water. "Here." She says and hands me the glass. "Do you mind if I borrow some pajamas?" She asks as she takes her shirt off.

"What-?" I ask confused. "I'm spending the night." She says confidently. "Don't you have work tom-." I start to say but she cuts me off. "Is that okay with you?....If I stay?" She asks softly and kind of seductively..

I tilt my head and look in her eyes. "Yeah...that's fine." I give in and she smiles. She walks over to me and kisses my cheek. "You can wear whatever you want in the closet, I have t-shirts and stuff." I say as she walks in my closet. "Okay." She says.

She comes out in one of my big t-shirts and a pair of spandex. She walks over to the mirror and checks herself out, including her ass. I smile and shake my head because her ass does look good.

"How are you feeling?" She asks and walks over to me, putting her hand on my cheek. I just shrug and sigh. "Have you gotten the new medicine yet?" She asks and I shake my head no. "No rush.." She shrugs.

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