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*leahs pov*

I woke up the next morning after only getting like 3 hours of sleep. Everything replayed in my head from last night, before I got up and brushed my teeth. Then I went downstairs quietly so I didn't wake Jen up. But once I got to the bottom of the steps, I realized she wasn't even there. I thought she might've been in the bathroom, but her stuff wasn't there either. She left?

I went back upstairs and grabbed my phone to text her, just to make sure she's okay. But then I remembered I don't wanna talk to her. I mean- I do, I love talking to her. But I need her to know that I'm still upset, I mean she really hurt me, and it's gonna take a while for me to be completely forgiving.

Why would she even think to go that far? When people say stuff like that, it makes me think that it's even more my fault than I already do. I try not to, but how can I not think that when I'm the one who did it to myself...the razor was in my hand. So I guess I'm to blame more than anyone.

I just wish I could see her for the first time again. Even though I fainted in front of her like a dummy. I remember the tension I felt when I heard her voice for the first time. That's all I want, for us to be back to normal.

But I don't even know if that's possible with all these things Jennifer is keeping from me. I've told her every single detail of my life, and she can't even tell me one thing about hers. It's not like she should be nervous or embarrassed, I told her my whole assault story, if anything I should me much more embarrassed than whatever she has to say. It's just not fair.

I fill Andy's food bowl, before going upstairs and getting ready for work. My shift is pretty early, so I was just gonna let Jen sleep while I was at work, then I'd be back by the time she was waking up. But- she's not even here, so I guess it doesn't matter.

I put on a pair of tight black jeans, and a light blue tank top. It doesn't really matter what I wear since I'll have on an apron anyways.

I get to work, and there's one other worker inside right now. I walk in and he stops wiping down the counters, and looks at me. "Oh- sorry we're not open yet." He says and stands up straighter. "Oh actually I work here now." I say and walk in more. "Right! Sorry, I totally forgot we got a new girl." He says and I smile. "You're fine." I shrug. "I'll show you where you can put your stuff, he says and opens up the little gate to behind the counter.

I walk through and follow him to the back. "We all have our own little locker, you can pick whichever one doesn't have a name on it." He says and I nod. So I walk over, and open one up, putting my stuff in it. "Here." He says and I turn towards him. He's holding out an apron, so I take it from him and say thankyou.

"You don't have to put it on yet, we still have an hour until opening." He says and I nod. We end up sitting at a table and just talking. "My name is Mason by the way." He says. "Leah." I nod, telling him my name.

Mason seems pretty nice. He has dark curly hair that's pretty wild, but not in a bad way. He has green eyes and freckles, and is jawline is immaculate. Whew.

"Sine it's your first day, you won't be preparing any of the major drinks, one of us will train you for that. So for right now, you'll just be doing the food, and the register." He says. "Ok. Easy enough." I shrug and he nods.

"Do you have your schedule yet?" He asks. "Yeah, I come in Monday's, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. And that lady said she'd call me if she needs me to come in, I don't remember her name." I say. "Yeah, Andrea." He nods. "She's the boss, right?" I ask. "Yup." He nods and so do I.

He starts opening up the shop, and 3 other workers come in. I didn't really talk to them, other than saying hi. And it was a pretty slow day, we only had like 13 costumers.

The day went by fast, and I'm already getting my stuff to go home. "How was it today?" Mason asks me. "It was good." I nod and so does he. "Well Andres texted me, and let me know that I'll be the one training you for 2 weeks." He says. "Oh ok, that'll be good." I nod and close my locker.

"Yeah, don't worry it goes by fast. And I'm sure you'll be great at this stuff." He nods and I smile. "Yeah we'll see." I giggle. "Alright, well I'll see you on wednesday." He says and I nod. We say goodbye, then I drive myself home.

My mom calls me on the way home and asks about my first day. I tell her it was fine, and she got on me about how I sounded all sad. I hate when she does that, I mean I am still upset, but she confronts me even when I'm the happiest I've ever been. It's tiring.


y'all fr gonna hate me for this book-🖐🏼😌😭💯🧍🏼‍♀️

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