16-No Sign

142 12 16

*leahs pov*

"Hey- you good?" Mason asks me and I snap back into reality. "Yeah- I'm fine." I nod and stand up straight. I give the order to a lady once she walks up, and Mason continues to stare at me. "What??" I ask. "You just seem out of it lately." He shrugs. "Do I?" I ask and he nods. "Sorry. I'm just tired." I shrug.

I finish work and head home. It's been another week since I've even heard from Jennifer, and she's all I think about at this point. Which isn't healthy because I have other things I need to focus on. Like actually keeping my job, my family, and my mental health. She's just a distraction right now.

But I don't care, even though I know I need to forget about her, i'm still trying to contact her. I'll do whatever it takes.

I've decided that I'm stopping by her work tomorrow. Well, technically it's my old work, but she still works there. So I'll wait until her shift is almost over, or I'll ask the lady at the front desk if she's at work that day, and if I can talk to her.

I don't care if all I do is just see her, that'll be enough. I probably sound so clingy right now, but what do you expect when we've been together almost everyday for the past 7 months? It's just so random that she disappeared like that. I understand we got in an arguement but people talk through it, and get over it. I wasn't gonna hate her forever, I wouldn't be able to do that.

Once I got home from work, I took a long shower. Then I poured myself some wine and put on a movie in my room, until I fell asleep.

The next morning I got ready for work pretty early. I had to open the shop today so I had to be there early too, but at least I get to go home before everyone else.

It was a slow day, and not many people come in, they never really do. I mean this place is nothing like starbucks, but it makes enough money to actually stay open. So that's good because I need to make money too.

Once my boss told me I could go ahead and go home, I was out of that place. I got home and debated if I should stop by Jens work, like I planned on doing. But I don't wanna look like a creep.

I hang out at my place for a bit, but I start to get paranoid, so I decide I'm just gonna go for it. I get in my car and head to her work. My mom calls me while i'm on my way, and she asks me what i'm doing.

Of course I lie, and just say I'm going to go get food. Luckily she believes me, and we hang up. Eventually I get to the work place, and I sit in my car for about 20 minutes, trying to debate if I'm completely fucking crazy.

But I decided I'm not, I'm not crazy. If anything I'm being a good person for checking up on her. I just wanna make sure everything's okay after what happened. That's what any civilized person would do. So I'm just being civilized, right?

Oh my god I'm thinking way too deep into this. Just like I do with everything. Just get in there, find Jen, or at least see her. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to her. Then boom, I'm out of there, and relieved that she's okay.

Now I just have to actually do all that. Oh boy. I get out of my car, and take the slowest steps ever to the front of the building. I stop in front of the door. And I swear I was about to turn around and just say fuck it. But some dude comes up and opens the door for me. Okay now I have to walk in. Great.

I smile at him, and walk in, he walks in after me and continues on with his business. I look around for a second. It's weird since I haven't been her in a while, but everything is still familiar. I go and sit in one of the waiting chairs. I figured I'd just wait until 3 o'clock since that's when Jen gets off.

Then I could talk to her once her shift is over other than distracting her from work. I sit there, and eventually I realize it's already 3:46. Jennifer would have been way done by now. The latest would be 3:30, and it's too late for that.

I sit for 6 more minutes, but I start to get ansy. So I go up to the lady at the front desk to talk to her. She puts her pen down and looks up at me, smiling. "Can I help you?" She asks sweetly. "Yes! I'm looking for Jennifer, is she here today?" I ask. She looks at this check-in form she had, and drags her fingers along the names.

"Ah, yes, Jennifer Reedy was here today. Is th-." She starts to say before I cut her off. "No- I'm sorry. Jennifer Lopez." I say and she shakes her head. "I'm sorry, lemme just check..." She says and does the same thing with her finger that she did not even 2 minutes ago.

It takes her a while until she answers. "Um, it looks like a Jennifer Lopez didn't come in today." She shrugs. I sigh and look down. "I can check in the system to see her schedule, maybe you can catch her on a day that she's actually here." She suggests and I giggle. "Sure, that'd be great." I nod.

She smiles and puts on her glasses. She goes on her computer and types a whole bunch of stuff in, and clicks around with the mouse. Until she stops and squints her eyes at the screen.

She takes her glasses off and looks at me. "I'm sorry, but she isn't in the system." She says and I tilt my head. "What? She quit?" I ask immediately thinking that she quit and left the state or something crazy. But then the lady shakes her head no.

"I mean she was never in the system..." She says and I furrow my brows. "Well she's an intern, maybe-." I say before she cuts me off. "We keep track of all the interns as well, right here..." She says and turns the screen towards me, showing a list of interns, without Jennifer's name on it.

"And she's not in it.." She shrugs and turns the screen back to herself. I keep my brows furrowed as I'm trying to process what I don't understand. "Are you sure that's her last name?" She asks. "Yes I'm fucking sure." I say and grab my purse off the desk.

I quickly walk out of the building, to my car and drive myself home. I walk up to my front porch and look for the key to my house in my purse, but I realized I left it in the car. I thought about just checking under the mat and getting the spare key. But I know that's the one Jennifer has.

Even though I know that, I still check...and it's there. "What the fuck?" I mumble to myself. Did she put it back when she left or something? I'm so confused. I open the door to my house and just drop my purse on the ground.

I pull out my phone and go to call Jennifer. But I can't find her contact. It's just an unknown number. Okay, that makes no sense. It's not like anyone had my phone today, so nobody could've deleted it. What the hell is going on?

Nothing is making any sense right now. I feel like my head is spinning, and my heart is pacing so fast. I just can't put anything together. Jennifer's disappearance was so random, and now there's no trace of her.

It's almost like she never even existed...

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