11-Can't say no

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*leahs pov*

"Ms.Remini?" The person at the front counter of the pharmacy asks. "Yes." I say and take the little bag from him. "Thankyou." I nod at him and turn around. Me and Jennifer walk outside to my car and get in. "Jesus these pills are huge." I say as I pull them out. Jen snatches them from me and looks at them. "They're not even big- don't be a baby." She rolls her eyes and gives them back.

"Besides...you know you like to swallow big." She says and my jaw drops. I look at her and she's just scrolling on her phone. "You're such a bitch." I say and she looks at me and smiles with her teeth before laughing out loud. Her smile is so cute, and that laugh can make anyone happy, even on their saddest days.

"When do you have to take them?" She asks. "Once a day, only at night. Unlike the other ones." I say and look at the pill bottle. "Well that's not too bad." She shrugs. "Mm." I hum.

I call my mom real quick because I don't want her to give me shit when she thinks I'm not taking the new medicine. Jen stays quiet as I'm on the phone, but she giggles everytime my mom calls me 'Lee-lee'.

"Love you too. Bye." I say and hang up. "That's so cute-." She pouts her lip out. "Be quiet." I giggle and start the car. "I wish I had that type of relationship with my mom." She tilts her head and forces a smile.

I take her hand and place it on my thigh as I'm still holding it. "What do you wanna do today?" I ask. "I don't know. I should probably get back soon." She says and lays her head back. "Do you want me to take you home?" I ask.

"No it's okay, I drove to your house and I need to get my purse." She says. "Okay well we can go back to my place." I say and continue to drive.

We get back to my house and head inside. "Here's your purse." I say and hand it to her. "Thanks baby." She says and takes it. "I'll see you later." I say and hold the door open for her. "Okay, bye." She smiles and starts to walk down the steps of the front porch. But then she stops, and turns around. She quickly comes back to me and kisses me on the lips.

I smile once she pulls away, then she goes back down the stairs. I shut the door and lean back on it. I bite my lip and look up. I know it's weird and somewhat cringy, but Jen gives me butterflies almost everytime I see her.

I decide to clean up a little after she left. I washed the dishes and made my bed. Then I took Andy on a walk.

It's nighttime now, and I just got out of the shower. I grab a glass, and get some water from the fridge. Then I grab the pill bottle out of my purse and look at it. I struggle too take off
the cap, but once I do, I take one out and close it.

I get some water in my mouth, then I pop the pill in the back of my throat and swallow it. I make a gross face and stick my tongue out once it finally goes down, then I drink some more water.

I feed Andy before going upstairs and going to sleep. Those pills really made me pass the fuck out. I guess that's why I have to take them at night, it probably have some melatonin in it or
something. I don't know, all I know is I got a good nights sleep for the first time in a while.


I woke up the next morning and instantly remembered my dream. It was about Jennifer. And I know it sounds weird, but this is my 3rd night in a row dreaming about her. She made her mark in my mind, and I don't think it's going anywhere.  

I got up and got ready for the day. I actually have a job interview soon. I'm kind of excited because it's a job that I know I'd actually enjoy. Other than my last one that I was doing just for money, and to keep me on my feet.

It's a job at a coffee place down the street of my old work. I always used to go and get coffee when I was on my break. It's not much but I always wanted to know how to make cute little cups of coffee, and it's pay isn't too bad.

I put on a pair of high waisted jean shorts, and a kind of loose tank top that stops before my belly button. Then I put my hair half up half down, and some light makeup.

I head downstairs, feed Andy and go out to the car. I almost thought that I forgot to take my pills, but then I realized I don't take those anymore. So that's a relief since I don't have to take them in the morning.

I got to my interview, and I pretty much nailed it. I've always been good around people, I know how to just go with the flow. Even if things get awkward, I can keep a conversation going.

They told me they'd give me a call later in the week if I got the job, then I left and called my mom, letting her know that I am trying. She was happy to here that I'm finally getting a new job, and that she wants me to come spend the weekend with her. I thought about it, but I know that Jennifer wanted to see me this weekend. So at first I said no, but then she told me I'm not aloud to say no.

So I gave in, and told her i'd see her this weekend. I guess I'll have to tell Jen we'll hang out another time. But once I got home, I decided I could ask Jennifer to come with me. I know my mom wouldn't mind. She would be happy that I have someone, plus she always loved meeting my friends.

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