3-Wait For You

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*leahs pov*

"Mmmm." I groan as Andy licks my face. "Get off." I wine and push his face away. I sit up and look over at myself in the mirror. The sliding doors to my closet are mirrors and so is that whole wall, so I can get the full glimpse of how much I look like a bum.

I grab my pill bottle off the nightstand, and go ahead and take 2 pills. I was proud of myself for taking them early, until I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. "Shit!" I say once I realize I'm gonna be late for work. I get myself up and stumble into the bathroom, and make myself look as presentable as possible in the span of 10 minutes.

Once I finish my hair and makeup, I go in my closet and grab the first thing I see. Which was a tight pair of skinny business pants, and a white tank top that I tucked in. Then I put on a jacket and slipped on some heels before feeding Andy and going to my car as fast as possible.

I speed to work, and luckily I don't get in a car crash and kill myself. I get to work, then I check in at the front desk.

I make my way to my office and plop down in my chair. Luckily I didn't run into my boss, so he won't know I'm late. I go on my laptop and go ahead and look through my gmail.

I hear a knock at the door, and before I can say anything, my boss walks in. "You're late." He says bluntly. "Shit." I mutter to myself. "I'm sorry Mr.Byrum, it won't happen again." I sigh and rub my forehead. "That's what you said last time...and the time before that." He tilts his head and crosses his arms.

"Look, a lot is going on, but I swear it won't happen again. This is the last time." I assure him. "Leah... we're letting a lot of people go right now. Get it together." He says with a serious tone. "You got it." I say annoyed as he walks out of my office. "Fuck.."


"Maybe if you actually started doing things around here, than you wouldn't be threatened to get fired." My co worker says. "You may be right, but you're just trying to get me to take out the trash so you don't have to, not so i don't get fired." I say and they shrug. "Yeah, I'm not gonna deny that." She shrugs. "Whatever, I'll do it because I'm responsible." I say and walk out into the hall. "It's in the lounge!" She says after I walk away. "I know!" I say annoyed.

I walk into the lounge room, and surprisingly, I see Jennifer getting water from the water fountain. "Jennifer?" I say and walk closer. "Hi Leah." She says and smiles softly. "What are you doing here??" I ask and smile too. "Welp, I am an intern here currently." She presses her lips and takes her cup away from the fountain.

"Damn, I know that struggle." I say since we were all interns once. "It sucks." She giggles. "So you're gonna be working here?" I ask. "That's the plan.." She shrugs. "Nice, I'm looking forward to seeing you around." I say and she tilts her head. "Me too. Although, you look kind of intimidating in those business clothes." She says and tugs at my jacket a little.

"Yeah that's the point, so people don't talk to me." I laugh and she smiles. "Well it wouldn't stop me." She shrugs and tilts her head. "Nothing gets past you, huh?" I smirk. "Nope she smiles.

"When do you get the job?" I ask and start to get the trash bag out of the trash can. "Oh I'm not sure. Um why are you touching the trash?" She giggles. "I'm being forced to take it out." I roll my eyes. "Oh damn." She says and sips her water. "Yup. I guess that's what I get for being late everyday." I shrug and tie the trash bag in a knot.

"Here let me walk with you." She says and opens the door of the lounge for me. "Thanks." I smile and walk out as she holds the door open. We walk down the hall to the back door of the building, and she helps me throw the bag in a dumpster out back. We go back inside, and she has a meeting to go to, we say goodbye once she gets to the room she needed to be in, and I go back to my office.

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