Chapter 21 - It's a Jungle Out There... Part 1.

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Colby's POV

"Y/N!" I called her name as I knocked on the door to my bedroom. A few seconds later the door opened to reveal a very tired and grouchy looking Y/N.

"Morning..." She mumbled while yawning and stretching out her arms above her head.

"Hey, get ready. We're going out!" She paused and focused fully on me.

"Where?" She asked sleepily.

"It's a surprise." I told her with a grin. I was pretty proud of the plans I had made today, and I couldn't wait to see her reaction.

"What about breakfast?" She pouted, but there was a small smile of her face.

"We'll get some on the way." I reassured her.

"What should I wear?" She questioned.

"Just something casual."

Her smile grew to match mine, and she smoothed back some of her messy bed hair and tucked it behind her ear. "Okay, give me like... Half an hour." She disappeared back into my bedroom after that, the door clicking shut behind her.

I returned to my sofa as I waited for her to get ready. I slipped into my bedroom when she was done to quickly get myself ready, and we were climbing into my car just over an hour later.

"Are any of your friends coming?" She asked me as she placed her bag on the floor by her feet.

"No, they're busy." I wasn't going to tell her that I had told Sam and Jake that we couldn't hang out with them today as I wanted to spend the day alone with her.

Pulling out of the parking garage, I headed north towards our destination.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" Y/N queried only five minutes into the journey.

"Nope. You'll figure it out soon." I answered vaguely as I turned onto Santa Monica Boulevard. I could see her looking at the signposts outside in the corner of my eye, obviously trying to figure out where we were going.

"Are we going shopping on Rodeo Drive?" Peering to my right, I could see the sign for it coming up.


"Golf?" She then asked, pointing to the entrance of a golf course that I had never even realised was there. I shook my head. I stole glances at her as I continued on up the road, but she only continued to try to spot clues quietly.

"Universal Studios?!" The over excited question that came after a few silent minutes nearly made me swerve my car as I startled.

"No, Y/N patience! We're still twenty minutes out!" I laughed. I wished I had kept quiet until we were a little closer because although seeing her happy made my heart soar, it wasn't worth crashing my car over when none of her guesses were correct yet.

Y/N giggled before slumping back into the seat with a frustrated sigh.

"What was Sam doing today?"

"Not sure. I think he was doing something with Kat." I lied smoothly. "It's only a little white lie after all... Besides Sam probably is going to see Kat today because more often than not he's with her if not with me."

We chatted about our individual plans tomorrow to fill the time. I spotted the sign for our destination before she did, and I waited to see how long it'd take for her to notice.

It didn't take her long, and her eyes lit up when I took the turning for the attraction's parking lot.

"The Zoo?"

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