18. Expiration date

8 1 0


I walked to Jeff's side and moved Ann behind me protectively, handing him his knife before he took a defensive stance. Thomas joined us as well and flicked his scalpel out, eyeing Toby down in particular while the woman had focused on me. She was taller than I was and looked muscular to all hell under that hoodie.

"Tall man send your asses back so I can hand them to you again?" Jeff called out, "you're looking at my girlfriend real close there Rouge. I don't like that."

"Well you're not going to like it when I claw your eyes out either," Rouge snapped back at him.

"Me-ow, and I thought Kitty was feisty," Thomas snickered, "go lock yourself inside Chels. This gets ugly you scram."

"Don't have you tell me twice."

Ann disappeared as Chelsea dragged her back inside the shop, motioning for Liu to join but he stood there like a deer in headlights. If he wasn't going to be any help I didn't want him out here but a gun wasn't going to help us at all. If we killed these bastards we were in deep shit.

"Liu, get inside or get over here," I snapped at him.

"Who are these people?" He asked as he finally snapped out of it and joined us. Four versus two.

"Proxies," Jeff explained, "their headmaster has a bounty on both Snow and I. Why don't you tell us exactly what he's offering?"

"Anything in our wildest dreams," Toby finally got a coherent sentence out for once, "I c-can get my Lyra back."

Lyra? I knew that name. As I watched him twitch and shudder I quickly realized I knew him too.

"You're the boy who disappeared from Georgetown, south of here," I said quietly and he froze.

"I l-left it for the same reason you did," Toby hummed, "big man s-saved my ass though. He can help you."

"We won't go with you," Jeff shook his head as he butted in, "I don't care what big man is offering. Neither does she."

"Really? Are we sure about that now?" Rouge purred, "little birdie told me that you did something you regret. He can bring back the dead, you know."

Jeff paused and I whipped my knives out, figuring they were going for a ploy. They weren't really here for him, they wanted me. I moved to stand in front of Jeff as Toby cracked a malicious grin my way.

"You want the other bounty on him," I narrowed my eyes, "who has it?"

"Oh, hers is all cash," Rouge called with a hefty laugh. "Mama coyote's gonna buy herself a pretty little house with it after Toby and I split the reward."

"Look, are we going to dance or what?" Thomas interjected finally as he and Liu prepared for a fight, "you aren't taking my friends, dead or alive. You'll be the first one I eat so I can kill that son of a bitch."

Toby let out a shout without hesitation and lunged, Thomas whipping his scalpel out while we prepared to take on Rouge. Her weapons weren't conventional, instead she used clawed gloves that could probably tear through skin like a bullet through paper. She crouched on all fours before leaping at me and I said to hell with not hurting them, if they wanted Jeff dead then I'd have their heads. Rouge deflected my blades but not my kick as I leapt backward in the same move I'd used on Jeff all those months ago on the court. Her mask dislodged and glowing yellow eyes narrowed in rage while I curled a finger toward myself.

"Let's play, bitch."

Jeff was too busy fighting Toby with Thomas to help me out but it's not like this was the first fight I'd ever been in against someone bigger than me. The whispers in my head screamed in a beautiful symphony as I blocked and dodged, slamming my knife through the palm of her hand as she tried to swipe at my eyes. Rouge's scream appeased the monsters in my mind and the moment I saw her blood I went into overdrive. Kill her, kill her, kill her!

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