36 - Corey's Car Accident

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I sat waiting nervously. Corey should be home by now. He texted me when he left and it only takes 35-45 minutes. It's been an hour and 15. He'd been at Jeremy's new house in New Jersey to catch up this afternoon and I'd been to Kara's. I came home, made us dinner expecting him back around 8:15. I called his phone. No answer. I called again. Still nothing. At 8:45 I finally called Kara.

"Hey Katie, what's up?"

"You've not heard anything from Corey have you? He left New Jersey over an hour ago. It doesn't take him more than 45 minutes to get home from Jeremy's house. I'm worried about him. He's not picking up his phone either." I said quickly.

"No I haven't. Have you called Jeremy, do you have his number?"

"Not yet. And yeah I have it. Should I call him? I don't want him worrying."

"Katie. Who knows what's happened to Corey? You need to find out exactly what time he left."

"Okay. I'll call you back. I love you."

"You too. And I'm praying that Corey is safe." I hung up and called Jeremy.


"Hey Jeremy. It's Katie. I need to know exactly what time Corey left your place."

"He left at 7:30. I saw him text you before he walked out my door. Why is everything okay?"

"No." I said crying down the line. "He's not home yet. He should be home with me. Cuddled on the couch and I've no idea where he is. He won't answer his phone to me or respond to my texts. I'm scared Jeremy. Something's happened to him."

"Shit. Okay. Katie. Take deep breaths, I'll come over to yours now sis. If you find anything else out, call me."

"Okay. Bye." I curled up onto the couch and cried. I did like when Jeremy called me sis, it showed he cared about me like I was his sister. He was an older brother to me and I was a little sister to him. Theo jumped up and nudged me. "I hope your daddy is okay Theo. I'm worried about him." My phone then rang again. It was Jeremy. "Yeah. What's up?"

"I have some potentially bad news. I just set my Google maps up and the route I usually take to get to your place isn't showing up because there's been a car accident on the Henry Hudson Parkway."

"NO. No No." I broke down sobbing.

"Hey, Katie, sis, we don't know if he was in the accident, maybe he's stuck behind it."

"If he was stuck behind it he'd have called me. He'd have texted me. He'd have answered the phone. It's ringing so I know his phone isn't out of charge." I almost shouted back down the line. "Sorry." I then whispered. The landline began ringing. "Hold up. The other phone is ringing. I'll call you back." I put my mobile down and picked up the phone. "Hello?" I said nervously.

"Good evening. Is this Miss Katie Lindsay?"

"Yes. It is."

"Hello, I'm Charlotte Greendale. And I'm calling to let you know that Corey Cott has been involved in a car accident." I broke down sobbing again. "I know this will be hard Miss Lindsay but..."

"Is he going to be okay? That's all I care about. Is if he's going to be okay."

"He's going to be fine. He was incredibly lucky." I petted Theo as I heard her talk. "You're welcome to come down to the Emergency Centre, NYU - Langone Health. I was instructed to also tell you that the accident happened along Henry Hudson Parkway, and was caused by a speeding vehicle that lost control."

"Okay. I'll be there as soon as possible. Thank you. Goodbye." I immediately called Kara.

"Katie, any news?"

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