Chapter 3

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Kristy's POV

"Theo!" I greeted him excitedly walking into Spiro's local coffee shop with Eros.
"Kristy! You already look like a Greek local" he says twirling me around.
"How are you?" I asked as Theo and Eros greeted each other and we all took our seats outside the cafe.
"Good, another tour has been keeping me busy, but Eros, you said you had something to talk to me about?"
"Well..." Eros looks at me and grabs my hand with a smile.
"Kristy came up with a wonderful idea for the restaurant and I wanted to run it by you"

They switched over to their natural dialect in Greek since it was easier for them to communicate to each other. I noticed Spiro wave me over to the counter and I got up and grabbed each of our coffee orders and brought them back to the table.

"Kristy" Theo says to me as I take my seat again.
"You are brilliant! I think it's a great idea that would help both our businesses! Eros, where do you plan to get these boats?" Theo brought up a good point considering we'd need more than one boat available to Eros at all times for the business to be a success.
"Spiro knows someone who'd be willing to partner with us" he said casually as if there was nothing to worry about.
Who would this other partner be? Would he be willing to partner with Eros and Theo? Is he trustworthy and reliable?
"Are you sure you can rely on someone else to go into business with you Eros? I mean, I trust Theo, but this other guy who owns the boats..." I had to bring up my own reservations and concerns.
"Every Greek is willing to help another Greek man in times of need. Especially here in Mykonos, everyone's business hurts during the off season so any chance they can get to partner with someone would be a great gift" he holds my hand and squeezes it to reassure me he believes everything will work out.
As long as he believes, I guess I do too.
"When I get back to Athens, I can make some brochures for the tourists to get some attraction to this new business" Theo says.
"I think it will be a great hit, especially on the nights I allow them opportunities to venture out on their own in the area" Theo adds and I couldn't hold back a beaming smile that this would actually be a great opportunity for Eros.

They continue their discussions in Greek and I enjoy my coffee and light breakfast of fruit and granola when I am startled by a tickling and nibbling sensation on the toes. I look under the table and see the cutest little kitten looking for scraps on the ground.

Since my time here in Greece, it hasn't gone unnoticed to me that there are a lot of stray cats that walk the streets and bask in the sun

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Since my time here in Greece, it hasn't gone unnoticed to me that there are a lot of stray cats that walk the streets and bask in the sun. But this cat is just a baby and is so tiny and feeble I can practically see it's ribs it's so starved. My heart aches and I couldn't resist bringing my bowl of granola to the ground for the little furry creature to feast on.
"Kristy?" Eros calls me questioning why I'm slumped over under the table.
He leans over and sees what I'm doing and for a second I wasn't sure how he'd react. Was it frowned upon to feed the stray animals in these parts of the world?
"It was so hungry it was gnawing on my toes" I said with a pouty face hoping he felt my heartbreaking emotions.
He snapped his fingers and clicked his tongue against his teeth making a noise to get the creatures attention. When the kitten slowly walked over to sniff his fingers he picked it up and placed it on his lap.
"Why are there so many stray cats around here?" I couldn't help but question.
"It's just always been that way, I guess. There's no rule to spay or neuter them so they are very overpopulated." he says as he pours some water into a small bowl and lets the kitten drink.
"No one feeds them?" I said almost outraged.
"Most of the tourists do"
"But when it's off season, they have to fend for themselves. Mostly digging through the trash and hunting for mice around the streets" Theo chimes in.
"I usually put a plate of the scraps out at the end of every evening in the back alley so they at least have something" Eros says and my heart skips a beat hearing him say that.
"I knew you were a good man" I said with a smile.
"The locals don't think much of them. They even try to poison them if they are found on their property" Theo says and my mouth drops hearing how hateful people can be towards innocent animals.
"Oh my God! That's awful!" I shout and look back over with sad eyes at the thought of this little baby kitten eating something unknown that could be poisonous when it's only trying to survive.
"Can I bring it home?" The thought formed itself into words that escaped my lips.
Eros looked up at me and saw my solemn face.
"Cats here aren't like house pets. They don't want to be forced to live inside. They want to roam free during the day so I don't want you to be sad if it doesn't come back" he says but my heart doesn't stop aching.
He brings the kitten up to his face and looks in its eyes and says in a babyish voice something in Greek.
"Thélete na érthete spíti mazí mas?"
The kitten lets out a pur and he rubs its back gently before handing it over to me.
"He says yes, he wants to come home with you"
"Really?" I shouted joyously and Eros beamed a beautiful smile at me.
The kitten climbed up the front of my chest and nuzzled his head into my neck like he needed to be loved and comforted.
"I think that cat loves you already, Kristy" Theo says with a smile and I smiled back at him.
"What's not to love" Eros said lovingly looking at me.
"So Theo, how are things going with you and Emily?" I said redirecting the conversation.
"'s just hard being so far away from each other. My schedule doesn't allow me to travel so it's always up to her when she can come visit. And I know it's a great distance away for her" he says with a sigh. "I just wish she was able to move here like you did"
"Oh, believe me! I wish that too! It's so hard with no one speaking English. I sometimes feel like I can't go anywhere or do anything on my own"
"I can see that must be hard. I know I only visit here during tours but if you ever need anything Kristy, don't hesitate to ask me"
"Thanks Theo. And I'm sure everything will work out with you and Emily. I know it's hard but I also know her! And when she sets her mind on something or someone, it takes a lot to change that. She's committed to you even thousands of miles apart" I say truthfully and I see my words sink in his mind and a smile slowly grows on his face.


"Well, you were right! He was hungry!" Eros commented as our furry pet devoured a plate of leftovers while I filled up the sink with warm water.
"The poor thing is skin and bones! Come here buddy" I said picking him up and putting him in the soapy water for a bath.
"He's lucky he survived out on the streets for as long as he did"
"What shall we call him?" Eros asked helping me scrub his tiny body gently.
"Hmm, what's a nice Greek name for him? Something that resembles how strong and courageous he is?" I ask Eros.
"Thaddeus means courageous..." Eros suggested and the kitten purrs looking up at us.
"Do you like that name?" I ask my furry friend and look into his beaming dark eyes.
"I like it too! Thaddeus it is!" I scratch under his chin and purrs against my hand.
"Maybe Thad for short!" I say and I feel Eros's laugh resonate against my back as he wraps himself around me and nuzzles his head in my neck.

We're all startled when we hear the doorbell ring and Thaddeus jumps from my grip running to the door with Eros to see who it is.
"Ti kánei aftó to PRAGMA sto spíti?" Nafsika points to Thad with her bulged out eyes in horror.
"Eínai mia gáta, Theía" Eros tries you answer calmly.
"Mia adéspoti gáta!"
"Nai, I Krísti íthele na tin parei sto spíti" He answers Nafsika again.
She spat out a huff under her breath and her eyes followed the cat as it ran into my arms and nuzzled its head in my neck like it did at the restaurant.
"It's vermin!"
"It's an innocent animal!" I defended feeling the need to hug the creature even tighter.
"Theía! Please!" Eros begs.
"Did you bring what I asked for?"
"Yes, here's the fishing gear"
"Fishing gear?" I questioned.
"Why do you need fishing gear Eros?"
"I got in touch with Angelo, Spiro's friend who owns the boats" he answered pulling me into the other room so we could talk privately.
"He rents them out for tourists and people who are looking to have wedding ceremonies on the beach. Since it is peak season for tourists, they are all in use at the moment. Except for one" he explains but the way he says it makes it sound like there is a catch and he hasn't told how fishing gear fits into all this.
"I sense there's a big but coming" and I feel I'm right because he lets out a sigh.
"The boat is in Rhodes. So I have to retrieve it and bring it back here and then it's mine to use for the business"
"How far away is Rhodes?"
"It's a two day journey. I'll take a ferry there and sail the boat back. I figured I could catch some fish for the restaurant on my way back" he said, hence the fishing gear.
"Eros, I don't know...when was the last time you sailed that far out in the middle of the ocean?"
"It's been awhile but it's like a driving car Kristy, I'll be fine" he grips my shoulders to reassure me but it doesn't bring me comfort.
"Why can't he do it? He's the sailor...and the one with the boat. This should be his responsibility!"
"His only daughter is about to have a baby any day now. He doesn't want to miss it. I offered to do this, Kristy"
"Well, I don't like this. I have a bad feeling, Eros"
And I did. A bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that I couldn't ignore.
"It's just two days, my love. I'll be back before you can even miss me" he kisses my forehead but I grip the back of his head preventing him from moving so he'd rest his head against mine a little bit longer.
"You know I miss you the second we're not touching anymore" I said as I grabbed his hand and looped my fingers between his.

I told him the strong feeling I felt the second we met. The force gravitating between us that felt like a magnetic field. It's still there, never gone away, I've just gotten a little more used it by now. And Eros told me he feels it too. He tells me it's a sign that the Gods want us together.
He brings our hands up to rest on his heart and tilts my chin up to look at him.
"I told you there's nothing that can keep me away from you. I love you"
"Have I told you that I can't live without you?" I whispered as our lips were millimeters apart but they felt like light years.
"Then that makes two of us" he says caressing my face and closing the heavy gap between our lips.
"Promise me you'll come back as quickly as you can" I say needy because I am and I can't even hide it if I tried.
Every part of me needed him.
"I promise"



"Thélete na érthete spíti mazí mas?" Do you want to come home with us?

"Ti kánei aftó to PRAGMA sto spíti?" What is that THING doing in the house?
"Eínai mia gáta, Theía" it's a cat," - he addresses her as Aunt (Theía)
"Mia adéspoti gáta!" A stray cat!
"Nai, I Krísti íthele na tin parei sto spíti" Yes, Kristy wanted to bring it home

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