Chapter 4

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Kristy's POV

We're standing on the edge of the dock hearing the awful sounds of the ferry horn blaring in my ears to alert the passengers to climb aboard before it's time to leave.
"Frontízeis kalá ti Mámma, entáxei?" Eros says scratching Thaddeus's chin and kissing his head before kissing mine.
"I still don't have a good feeling about this Eros" I say as my final and last attempt to somehow get him to stay.
"Everything will be fine, don't worry! The sky is clear with not a cloud in sight. I'll come home as quickly as possible, I promise" He tried to reassure me for the thousandth time since we woke this morning.
"I love you!" He kisses my lips and I pull him closer not wanting to ever part from him, even if it is only for two days.
"I love you!" I said back to him and I couldn't look away until he was a tiny speck in the distance.

I know he believes that God is always watching over us, controlling our fates, and deciding what's meant to be will be, but why do I have a gut-wrenching feeling that I was watching Eros walk away from me forever?
Something just didn't sit right as I watched the ferry slowly drift from the loading dock that carried the most important thing in this world!


I woke up the next morning to a text message from Eros.

Landed in Rhodes and have the boat! Making my way back to you beautiful. I won't have any cell service while out at sea but I should arrive just in time to watch the sunset with you!
I love you

At least my heart was skipping a beat feeling him close to me through his words but I still couldn't wait for the force of our love to surround me like a cocoon the second I lay eyes on him and feel his touch surround me again.

I walk with Thad following me in toe, as if he were on a leash, down the center of town to Spiro's coffee shop. He sees me enter and my non-communicative trusty friend has my usual ready along with a warm bowl of milk for my four-legged shadow these days.

I plant myself at the same table like every day, Thad underneath by my toes enjoying his meal.
But something just feels different today.
I look out at the vast ocean and watch the waves hit the cement barrier of the dock as an unusually eerie gust of wind sends my hair flying. Blinding my sight from what I hoped I'd see, Eros, coming into the shore. I inhale a large amount of sea air and exhale slowly, trying to calm my nerves as I closed my eyes, talking to myself.
He said he wouldn't be here until sunset! I have a few hours to go!

I tried to focus my energy on my blog but my mind kept racing and I couldn't formulate a sentence or even think about food. Every few minutes I couldn't help but look up again, still hoping I'd see a fancy boat coming into view with a sexy Greek captain waving his hands at me trying to get my attention. But I still saw nothing but miles of vast sea and waves crashing along the edge.
Since I couldn't bring myself to write anything new, I got lost in the world of editing when the warm sun that beamed on my face for hours on end disappeared and I looked up shocked to see the whole sky covered in large dark clouds.

"ELA! ELA!" Spiro shouts and vigorously waved his hands for me to hurry inside as the dark stormy clouds quickly moved overhead

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"ELA! ELA!" Spiro shouts and vigorously waved his hands for me to hurry inside as the dark stormy clouds quickly moved overhead.
I grab my things and throw them in my bag, pick up Thad, and race inside as I started to feel cold sharp raindrops begin to fall.

In an instant, the sky turned as dark as nightfall and the rain starts coming down like buckets of needles. You could hear the vicious sounds of each droplet hit the metal tables and chairs outside and the wind blew the trees almost sideways. Anything left outside to the elements of the weather was blowing away. Storefront signs left out telling the specials of the day we're being pulled by Mother Nature in an angry rage.
What had always been paradise in my eyes turned to a nightmare in the blink of an eye. Like a fierce cyclone making landfall right in front of me.
My heart sank to the floor and my hand flew to my mouth as I gasped out loud.
I turned to Spiro out of desperation as if he was able to do something.
"EROS!" I shouted in a panic as my eyes filled up with tears knowing he's out there!
Alone! Somewhere in the crazy abyss of the rough seas! I couldn't explain anything else other than to continue to shout his name in a frenzy and point to the ocean in front of us.
But all Spiro could do was shake his head and reply to me something in Greek which I didn't understand.
"Pígaine stin aktofylakí"

I waited there in the coffee shop clinging to Thad like he'd be taken away like the things I see being tossed around by the wind outside. After about thirty minutes the rain finally died down but the storm clouds didn't part or move from the sky and it looked like the sea was only getting rougher.

I made a run for it to head back to the apartment keeping my head ducked low as if it were possible to dodge the rain that was still coming down. I walked quickly through the market, seeing all the damage the storm had already done along the walkways.
Every storefront had the doors and shutters closed and some were even still scrambling to bring all the merchandise inside before it blew away. I heard some folks try to speak to me over the harsh wind and rain. Probably telling me I'm crazy to be outside or to get inside somewhere since it's not safe. I wanted to cry to them for help.
Help me because my love is out there somewhere at sea!

I knew something bad was going to happen. I just felt it all along in my gut. Maybe I even felt it since the first day I arrived back here in Mykonos with Eros. All this time, I've felt like an outsider when left without him. I'm in a foreign country and can't speak the language to communicate with anyone!
I remember when I told Eros my feelings that day.

I'll always be here to help you" he said trying to calm my nerves.
"But what if you're not? What if something happens?" I said fearfully.
"Nothing will happen. I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that"

And now here I am. Being faced with my worst fear. Without him! Feeling helpless! Needing a voice now more than ever!
I needed to do something to find him. I needed to get help!

But who could understand me?


Nooooo!!!!! Not Eros!!!!!!
What's going to happen now?????


"Frontízeis kalá ti Mámma, entáxei?" You take good care of Mamma, ok?

"ELA! ELA!" Come on! Come on!

"Pígaine stin aktofylakí" Go to the coast guard

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