Chapter 23

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Bonus Chapter
Eros's POV

I have been quiet lately and I hope Kristy doesn't think I'm upset with her. I've just been consumed with thoughts on how to fix this and make Kristy happy.
She moved here to pursue her dream but mostly she moved here for me. I know she misses her parents and Emily and the comforts of home she is used to. I can only imagine it's not easy to move your life across the world and to a foreign country and not speak the language. And yet, I never hear her complain. She's does so much for me already and I know she still tries to please everybody else and put them above herself and what she wants. And I love her so much to not let her do that.

I make it home before her and a smile forms across my lips just looking at the presence she leaves around my home. The subtle details and furnishings she placed around my condo when she moved her to make it her own has now become ours. The wooden scrabble pieces that Kristy displayed in the sill of our family room window sparked an idea in my mind and before my original plan to surprise her with her favorite home-cooked meal, I pulled out a piece of paper and sat at the desk and began to write.

My dearest Kristy,

I started writing and just my thoughts and love for her began to pour out of the ink onto the paper. I glanced up at the scrabble tiles again with another smile just thinking of her.

L is for life. Because I can't imagine mine without you, Kristy. You have brought so much love and joy to my heart I will never feel whole without you by my side.
O is for obstacles because we've had our share and God will test our love every once in a while. It will only make us stronger for nothing is too fierce for us to overcome. Our love is like no other.
V is for virtue. I've never met a heart a kind as yours. Your goodness, your understanding, your respect for every human is of the utmost purity.
And E is finally for eternity. The force that drew us together has stayed strong. I have no doubt we are made for each other and our love will be lasting, for I will love you endlessly, long after my last breath escapes my body because my soul is kept inside you.

I kept writing my heart out thinking of the spectacular woman I am so blessed to have. The incredible woman I get to call my fiancé and can't wait to call my wife. She told me she just wants our wedding day to come and go and start our lives together. I can't agree with her more for I just want the hours of every day until our day to speed by. But I also want our day to be a day to remember forever. A joyous day she can look back on remember being happy and loved.

I know my family and my culture asks a lot of its people and it's overwhelming to say the least and fulfill the wishes of all the traditional rituals and elements of my religion. She's given herself to God and that's more than enough. She respects my culture and now she should be given the same respect in return.

What happens between Theo and my sister I know dwells on Kristy's mind and that is something I cannot change. I have forgiven my sister for the mistakes of her past and I can't deny I am happy the truth has been revealed. I am happy to see Ina with her father and I know Theo will do everything in his power for Ina and love her unconditionally as she should be loved. For this I know creates great difficulty for Emily. Not only are they faced with the obstacles of distance but now she has to decide if she can love Theo as a father to Ina. And does Theo love Emily, as she should also be gifted, is another question. I know Theo loved my sister wholeheartedly years ago and it would take great forgiveness and open hearts to mend and get back what they once had for each other. These decisions are out of our hands and I can't let it affect Kristy's happiness.

From the moment I fell in love with her, since the day I proposed to her, I wanted our love to hold no bounds. To do whatever it takes to keep her, to make her happy, to create a life together based on the power we have when we're together. I've told her so many times and I mean it each time I say it. Nothing will tear us apart. No distance apart from each other, no fierce storm, no high wave, no cultural or language gap will force us away from each other. I knew it the second I saw her and I know it now, Kristy was it. She was the one for me. The one I was destined to be with.

I finish writing my letter and hide it in my bedside table. As I start on dinner my mind keeps racing on how to formulate my plan. Just as I get the bag of flour to make her favorite loukoumades, it hits me. Everything would be perfect on that particular day and it's coming up quickly. I clean off my hands and grab my phone.

"Athena, chreiázomai ti voítheiá sou." I said to her and she replied willingly knowing me all too well in what I need her help with.
"Oti theleis"
I told her all my plans and she laughed at me like I knew she would, thinking I'm a lovesick sap, which I am.
"Eímai charoúmenos gia sena Eros kai tha to latrépsei!" She said happily and I hang up and quickly made another important call.
"Emily!" She answered somewhat surprised to hear from me and not Kristy.
"When can you get on the next flight out to Greece?" I just jumped right into my plan.


Yup! My heart has melted on the floor!
What is Eros planning!!!!!


-"Athena, I need your help." "Athiná, chreiázomai ti voítheiá sou."
-"Anything you need" "Oti theleis"
-"I'm happy for you Eros. And she'll love it!" "Eímai charoúmenos gia sena Eros kai tha to latrépsei!"

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