Chapter 7

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Kristy's POV

*knock knock*

"Oh, Nafsika" I said, opening up the door to our condo, four days after Eros was released from the hospital.
"I brought soúpa" she said holding literally a mental pot she cooked the soup in and was holding it wearing oven mitts as if she just took it off the burner and walked over here the second it was done.
"That smells delicious! Please, come in!" I said moving to the side leaving room for her walk in.

"Avgolémono" Nafsika said in Greek. "Lemon chicken soup" she translated as I lifted the lid to the pot she placed on the counter and took in the aromatic smell.
"Wow! I'm sure Eros will love this compared to my simple American cooking. Thank you"
"Kristy..." she hesitated and bowed her head like she was in trouble. 
"I'm sorry...I mistreated you" she stuttered on her English. I was shocked to hear her apology, I didn't know what to say.
"When his mother died, I promised her I'd look after her children. I just want what's best for him. But I know now...that you are what's best. The love you have for him, I see" her words touched me and I almost felt like I could cry.
"Thank you...Theía" I said, addressing her as Aunt for the first time like Eros does. She smiled as if she was touched by my gesture.
"How is he healing?"
"He's slowly getting better. The hard part is keeping him in bed to rest. He wants to go to the restaurant and make sure everything's running smoothly" I answered her and noticed Thad running straight for her watching her body tense up.
"Thaddeus! No! Come here!" I shouted as I grabbed him from leaping onto her and pulled him close to my chest as if protecting him from her again.
"Sorry" I apologized watching her body start to relax again.
"Thaddeus? Strong name" I saw her smile subtly at Thad and I felt like for a minute I didn't know who this woman was anymore.
"Ever since I was little, cats haven't liked me much" she added, looking at Thad like she almost wanted to reach out for him.
"He's very friendly once you show him love" I said pulling him off from my chest closer to her if she tried to touch him.
"They always went straight to Maria. You remind me a lot of her" Nafsika said with her smile growing on her face.
"I do?" I couldn't help but voice my question and she simply nodded reaching out for Thaddeus.
Letting him sniff her fingers before she gently caressed his head as he purred from her attention.
"May I?" She asked, finally reaching both hands out in an attempt to hold him. I smile and pass Thaddeus over to her and he seems calm and relaxed in her arms as she cradles him nervously like a baby.
"She would always feed them," she started speaking again. "Maria. She'd stop right in the middle of the street and show each one love and give them whatever food she had on her. Our mother would scold her when they eventually all started to follow her home" she chuckled at the memories floating in her head.
"She questioned her fate, just like you did when she heard Costas was to be married to someone else. She loved him so. They were made for each other"
"What happened?" I asked knowing the outcome but never hearing the details of their love story and how they made it back to one another.
"Melaina wanted him to go to America. I think she suspected Costas didn't want the marriage. She wanted him to leave everything behind. His family, the restaurant, his life that got in the way of being with her. He was torn when he found out Maria was pregnant and shortly after the marriage Melaina became pregnant"
"Why was he forced into an arranged marriage?" I asked.
"Marriage during that time wasn't about personal relationships as it was more about social responsibility. Arrangements through the families, basing the marriage on the parents' shared interests like expanding business or an alliance between them. It disregarded what the young couple wished"
"That's sad" I said solemnly knowing too well the pressures of responsibility and feeling obligated to fulfill wishes from family when it's not what you want with your life.
"Yes, but Costas fought it. Eventually, both families realized it wouldn't work. Melaina wanted a life in America and Costas's family knew the importance of the restaurant, not just to him but the generations behind him. So they separated and Costas and Maria married"
I smiled brightly at the heartfelt love tale between Eros's parents.
"If it's meant to be, it will be. And there won't be anything more powerful to stop love" she said the words almost as Eros says them.

"Why didn't you ever marry?" I prayed I wasn't intruding on her personal life but I was just so curious to know more about Nafsika since she's been here and opened up her doors and let me in.
"I was in love once, many years ago" she begins. "Believe it or not, he was American" she took me by surprise and like she said, it was almost unbelievable.
"John Whitmoore was his name. He was in the Navy. Stationed here for a year. We immediately fell in love with each other until it was time for him to go home" my face turned sad, knowing it obviously wasn't a good ending since she's not married.
"We promised to write to each other and make plans for a future together. Back then it would take weeks to get mail delivered to the island so I wrote multiple letters and after some time, each letter I wrote was sent back to me with an undeliverable stamp. I waited and waited but never received a letter from him" she said letting out a grave muffled sigh almost sounding embarrassed she admitted that story she's kept for so many years.
"I'm so sorry" was all I could say as I placed my hand over hers for comfort. Finally understanding her better and all the reservations she had about me.
"It just wasn't meant to be. I must have a different purpose" she puts on a brave smile and hands Thad back over to me like she's getting ready to take her leave.
"You can come over anytime, Theía! To see Eros...and me. I enjoy talking to you and listening to your stories" I said shyly.
"I'd like that" she says with a bashful smile.
"Maybe you could teach me how to cook some Greek dishes, or teach me some Greek words...since I can't even go to the grocery store?" I admitted feeling like a lost child and she chuckles and nods her head.
"I'll help you, my dear"

Nafsika takes her leave and I make a bowl of soup for Eros along with his pain medication and bring it into the bedroom.
"Hi baby" I whisper, gently stroking my fingers through his hair in an effort to stir him awake peacefully.
"It's time for your meds" I whisper again stirring him awake even more until he opens his eyes.
"Mmm, lay with me. I miss having you next to me"
I put the tray of food down and slide myself under the covers and lay next to him making sure my head isn't touching his chest, wrapping myself gently around his bicep and peppering his collar bone and cheek with kisses.
"Your Aunt Nafsika came by to see how you were doing" I started conversation to keep him awake.
"She did?" He sounded startled and nervous tilting his head to look at me. Maybe to make sure I was ok knowing she and I don't get along. But I nod and smile as I continue to caress his arm.
"Yea, we had a really nice talk" I reassured him and let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding. I squeeze his arm just a little tighter again feeling so grateful he's next to me and I spoke the words that were calmly floating in my head.
"I think everything's going to be ok"
I feel hopeful and excited for the future. For the first time in what feels like a long time, I feel everything is going to be ok, with me, with Eros, with his family, with living here.
Everything is going to be ok.


You can't really hate on poor Nafsika anymore, can you? It seems like all her life she's just been dealt the short end of the stick!

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