Chapter 14

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Kristy's POV

The next morning I woke up sore, to say the least, but pleasurable with Eros peppering me with kisses.
"Kali chronia, agápi mou"
"Mmmm, happy happy new year to you too!" I say rolling over and kissing him.
"It's a special day today" he says kissing a line from my lips to my neck.
"Really?" I questioned knowing we were spending it with his family celebrating bringing in the New Year but I didn't know it was another really important holiday in their eyes.
"Well, I hope it will be. Let's get ready"


"Looks like someone already got to the pomegranate!" I said laughing as we walk up to the door of his father's house and saw all the scattered seeds creating a mess at the entry.
We're greeted by his family as we make ourselves comfortable for the day of celebrations and feasts ahead. Theía pours us each a glass of wine and we toast to the New Year over an array of Meze appetizer dishes such as stuffed grape leaves, spanakopita, olives, and dried meats and cheeses.

Eros apologized to Athena who was quick to forgive and forget and not want to talk about it anymore. But after that, Eros fell quiet again. He spoke mostly in Greek to his family and didn't translate to me like he usually does. When everyone asked to help him in the kitchen he seemed to get flustered and angry.
"Meíne éxo apó tin kouzína! Stay out of the kitchen! Áseme na doulépso me tin isyxia mou!" He threw his hands up in the air shouting to everyone in the living room before stepping back into the kitchen alone.

I looked around shocked at his outburst as everyone looked like they were trying to not laugh.
"Is everything ok with him? What is going on?" I asked wanting to go in there myself and ask him but fearful he'd get upset.
Ina started to giggle and I looked to her but Athena spoke up quickly.
"Ina! Isychia! Shh!" She shushed her from saying something and I felt even more left out and confused.
"What's he doing in there?" I asked a different question hoping to get some answers at least.
"He's making Vasilopita bread" Athena answered vaguely.
I remember Eros mentioning the New Years' bread that's a tradition but I didn't know much else about it.
"Is that an elaborate bread like the Christopsomo?" I asked.
"No, it takes some time to make with two rises and lots of kneading but it's not elaborately detailed.
"So then what's so special about it that's making him crazy?" I ask again and Ina lets out another giggle.
"Traditionally, a coin is hidden inside the dough before it's baked and then spun around before it's sliced into so the cook doesn't know where it is either." Athena explains before being interrupted by Ina.
"But Eros kno-"
"Isychia!" She stops Ina.
"Whoever gets the slice of bread with the coin in it is meant to have good luck for the rest of the year." Athena concludes.
"But it's not a-" Ina tries to speak again and Athena gives her a glare as to shut it.
"Ina! Isychia!" Athena scolds again and Ina pouts before bringing her attention to the gifts she received from Agios Vasilios or St. Basil or he's known to me, Santa Claus. She hands a Barbie doll to me, implying to play with her and I plant myself on the living room floor to play. Although she was only dressing and undressing the dolls into different outfits, it at least passed the time until Eros came back in the living room letting us know everything is ready to be served.

We all gather around the table for another incredible feast as Costas explains all the dishes they typically eat on this day.
Manestra, or tomato and orzo soup. Made from fresh tomatoes, orzo pasta, onions, olive oil, sea salt, and garlic. A simple soup yet rich with flavor. Then he pulled a bowl closer so I could take some Lahanosalata, a cabbage salad taken from his garden outside tended to by Costas that his wife Maria had started years back. Nafsika also made Lahanodolmades with the cabbage from the garden -stuffed with rice and meat and finished with avgolemono, lemon sauce.
I was already getting full when Athena helped Nafsika in the kitchen carry a hot pot while Nafsika ladled Moshari Kokkinisto into our bowls. "Beef Stew with Wine" Eros translated to me. "Another favorite dish in Greek homes at New Year's." He explains.

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