Chapter 18

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Kristy's POV

It's February and today marks the start of Apokries, the three-week-long celebration that takes place across the entire country of Greece with street performances, masquerades, dancing, music, parties, and parades that fill the streets. Apokries, Eros told me, means the absence of meat because after this celebration period, Lent begins where there is no meat consumed for forty days.

Since Athena couldn't extend her holiday any longer and had to go back to work in Cypress, Costas, Nafsika, Eros, and I all offered to allow Ina to stay with us and enjoy the festivities. With Athena's permission, it was the perfect time to allow Theo to come and spend some time with Ina, getting to know each other on their own slowly day by day.

Eros and I step out of our Condo together to meet Theo in the center of the town where we'll head together to Costas's house to pick up Ina for the day. Immediately I'm blown away by the colorful and impressive spectacle that lines every single inch of the streets.
"Wow! This is incredible!" I comment to Eros as I feel like I was transported to New Orleans for Mardis Gras but the Greek version is ten times better.
"The celebrations of Apokries have been held for more than one hundred and eighty years" Eros begins to explain as we continue walking hand in hand down the colorful confetti lined streets.
"The costumes and masks are traditions that pay tribute to our Greek mythology's Dionysos, the Greek God of wine and fertility. The largest carnival takes place in Patras Harbour. They end the celebrations with the burning of the Carnival King, Vasilias Karnavalos followed by a huge fireworks display."
"This is all just unbelievable!"
"I told you us Greeks know how to party!" He said with a smirk.
"Yea, I'm realizing that more and more every single day I'm here!" I say with a laugh.

"Hey, Theo!" We meet up with him in the center of the town and I've never seen a man look as panicked and nervous as Theo before.
"Are you ok?" I questioned.
"What if she doesn't like me? What if she wants nothing to do with me? I've already missed so much! She probably hates me!"
"Theo! Calm down!"
"Ina is a sweetheart. I don't think it's in her blood to hate anything! And she's still so young, I don't even think she fully understands that you've been gone. You just need to relax and take it slow, one step at a time, ok?" I say and he nods his nervous head.
We all make our way to Costas's house and the entire time I subtly glance over at Theo and his face shows like his heart might explode out of his chest it's probably pounding harder than the steady rhythm of a drum.

"Yassas Ina!" Eros and I exclaim when she excitedly opens the door for us.
"You're Theíos Eros's friend? The one who got the cross!" She says looking at Theo somewhat surprised to see him standing with us in the doorway.
"That's me!"
"And you're Barbie's friend too!" She brought up Emily and he nervously gulped.
"And before you were born, I was your Momma's friend too!" He said with a nervous smile.
"Would you mind if I went to the carnival with you today?"
We get our good wishes from Costas and Nafsika as we take our leave with Ina clinging to my hand. She's become like a little mini-me since I've gotten to know her and she's the sweetest little girl I love having around.

"Can we get something to wear Theíos Eros? Can we? Please? Please?" She begs to Eros tugging on his shirt and he easily caves looking to me as he picks her up and they enter a store along the street while I wait with Theo.
"She looks like you, you know?" I strike up conversation while Eros and Ina are shopping for masks and streamers.
"Yea, it's how I figured it out. The day of Epiphany, when you got the cross. She has your eyes, your smile, pretty much everything except the hair" I say with a chuckle.
"Thank God she has Athena's hair. Those Medusa curls." He shakes his head with a smile.
"I always loved waking up to that mess of curls next to my face" he admits then realizes who he's saying it to.
"Skatá. I-I'm sorry"
"It's ok" I shrug my shoulders feeling stuck in the middle with his love triangle between Athena and Emily.
"It's not that I don't like Emily, I really do.'s just so confusing," he runs his fingers through his hair like I've seen him do a million times a minute these last few weeks.
"I know Theo. But you have to tell Emily. She deserves to know while you it figure all out"
"I know...I just don't want to hurt her" he says sincerely, but I feel being hurt is inevitable.

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