Chapter 21

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Kristy's POV

"Hey you!" I enthusiastically answer my phone just as I finish putting on the last of my makeup. Although, I'm sure it's all for nothing since I getting dunked in water in less than an hour.
"Are you really sure about today?"
"Never been so sure about something in my life!" I say confidently to Emily over the phone.
"Why do you have to do this for the wedding again?" She asks me with a confused voice.
"Emms, it's not just for the wedding. I'm doing this for myself! I just feel it makes me a better person, more confident in myself and with my life and just...I don't know how to explain it. I just love myself more by being spiritual"
"Ok baby Jesus! I won't ask again!" She says back in her usual sass and I can't help but laugh missing her and wishing she were here with me.
"How are things back home?" I asked getting on the topic of her and nervously dancing around what I really wanted to ask about.
"Same old same old. My boss is being a douche! I swear he's sleeping with his assistant!"
"I thought he was married?"
"Oh, he is! Second marriage, not even a year into it! All men are fucking pigs!" She starts going on a rant and I feel even more nervous to ask about Theo but since she hasn't brought him up yet...
"How are you and Theo?" I held my breath on the phone.
"Ugh! I don't know!" She sighed disappointedly. Oh god, that doesn't sound good, I thought to myself. "He's been super busy lately so our calls have been short"
"Busy with what?"
"Work?" She said it as a question and I held my breath again if she noticed I was asking more invasive questions than normal.
"Why? Have you seen him lately?" She asked.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
"I umm, no, not really since the beginning of February" Her end of the phone fell silent and I felt my heart pounding out of my chest.
"You're not telling me something," she said it like a detective and I already wanted to die.
"What is it? Just tell me! Is he cheating on me?"
"N-no! Theo would never do that!"
"Then what is it, Kristy!" I felt her anger start to bubble in her tone and there was no avoiding this. If Theo didn't tell her, I had to. She deserves to know. I let out a devastating sigh and braced myself for the worst possible reaction.
"Emms, I don't know how to say this...but...Ina is Theo's daughter"
"What?" Her voice felt more winded and shocked than upset or heartbroken.
"Theo had no idea ok! Athena left and didn't tell him and they hadn't seen each other since that night on New Year's Eve" Another wave of silence struck her end of the phone before her voice came back on muffled and this time, now sounding heartbroken.
"That's why he acted so weird after that, isn't it? He still loves her, doesn't he?"
"I don't know Emms. I'm so sorry"
"When did you find out about this?" The next worst possible question she could've asked me.
"I...umm..." I let out another ashamed defeated sigh but I couldn't lie to her or keep anything else from her, "since Epiphany"
"AND YOU'RE JUST TELLING ME THIS NOW?!" She shouted getting upset since we're nearing the end of March.
"I'm sorry Emily! When I found out it wasn't my place to tell anyone! I didn't want to put Athena in that position and call her out like that! I had only just joined his family!"
"I'm sorry! I told Theo he needed to tell you when the shit hit the fan! I had hoped you already knew!"
"I'M SORRY!" I raised my voice pleading to her anger.
"All I wanted to do was bring a father and daughter together Emms! I had no idea neither of them weren't over each oth-" I stopped my word vomit from coming out but it was far too late and I knew I said way too much.
"So he IS seeing her then!"
"N-no! I shouldn't have said that! Theo is just...confused."
"I don't give two FUCKS that he's CONFUSED, Kristy!"
"Just give him some time to figure it all out! I mean he just found out he has a daughter! He's a good guy and he's just trying to make things right with Athena"
"SO YOU'RE CHOOSING ATHENA OVER ME!" She shouted in enraged again.
"NO! I'M NOT!"
"I get it ok. Good luck today" and with the click of the phone she hung up on me.
"Shiiit!" I slumped my head in my hands and felt like ripping my hair out when I heard a knock on the door.
Maybe Emily is right! I'm a horrible friend. I should've told her right from the start, even if it wasn't my own business to tell. It would've only been fair to her to tell my best friend something that could impact her relationship. She's helped me through so much in my life and I'm thousands of miles apart from her, keeping the biggest secret from her! What kind of a person am I? Someone not worthy, that's who! Not worthy of a friendship with Emily, not worthy of celebrating my own relationship and marriage when hers is in ruins!

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