Chapter 12

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Kristy's POV

"Hey! You guys didn't wake me up?" I said stumbling into the kitchen yawning.
"Oh, sorry honey" my mom said with an apron covering her clothes that protected nothing against the amounts of flour that clung to her arms like she was in a food fight with Eros - which I hoped she wasn't because I know where that leads.
"Eros said you just looked so peaceful, he didn't want to wake you!" She said sounding giddy again like a lovesick puppy making me blush in embarrassment.
"Good morning, my love" Eros said, coming over to me with a steaming cup of coffee but I looked at him with sad eyes as he knew what I really wanted to hear.
"Kaliméra agápi mou" he said with a smile and a peck to my lips and I couldn't hold back my giddy smile hearing his drool-worthy Greek words.
"Awwwwwwwww!" My mom shrieked holding her hands to her cheeks and I looked at her somewhat horrified.
"What?" She shrugged her shoulders noticing the look I'm giving her.
"What's gotten into you?" I said with wide eyes wondering if she's been possessed or replaced by aliens.
"I'm just SOO happy for you guys!" She tugs us both into a group hug and kisses both of our cheeks.
"Oh my God!" I mumbled in embarrassment.
"So what are you two making?" I diverted the conversation to something else hoping for some normalcy around here.
"How do you say them again honey?" She looks to Eros on pronunciation.
"Kourabiethes. koo-rah-byeh-thes" he repeats it slower so my mom can try to pronounce it.
"Koo-rah-byeh-thes! Ooh! I'm so excited! I'll get the confectioners' sugar ready!" she excitedly skips off into the pantry.
"What's gotten into everyone?" I ask Eros thinking everyone is up to something and I'm left clueless but he just shrugs his shoulders.
"Well something is definitely going on! I mean, they let us sleep in the same room! They never allowed that before!" I admitted and he just laughed.
"Well, they do know we are living together on the other side of the world, don't they?"
"Well, yea, but..." I couldn't think of anything that defied his logic.
"I guess you're right. I don't know...I just feel like there's something they know that they aren't telling me" I say and he kisses my forehead before he turns his attention back to the oven, taking the tray of cookies out to cool.
"Mrs. Peters! They are ready!" He calls out to my mom and she struts out of the pantry with her hands on her hips.
"I told you to call me Denise! Or mom but I know that's a little too soon" she shakes her head laughing giddily at the thought and Eros clears his throat bringing her attention to me still standing in the kitchen dumbfounded.
"What?" My mom shrugs her shoulders again at me and I just stand there staring at the two of them for a second.
"Oook, I'm gonna go shower...while you two continue doing...whatever it is you're doing in here!" I give them each a skeptical look and gesture with my fingers to my mom, pointing to my eyes then to hers as if saying I'm watching you!

I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel and jump to the sound of yelling and vicious coughing coming from the kitchen. I run out dripping wet in just my towel to see what's going on.
I nearly slip from the wetness dripping from my legs as I turn the corner and find my dad slumped over with his face beat red and Eros frantically pounding his back while my mom just stands there in tears.
Now it's my mom who's huffing a laugh with her legs crossed trying not to pee her pants while she laughs hysterically with tears pouring out of her eyes. She can't even catch a breath to tell me what happened.
"Y-your...fa-father...HAHA! Ate...a co-cookie...HAHA! And in-inhaled the powder! HAHA!"

When it finally registered in my head what happened I burst out laughing just like mom. Of course, my Santa Claus, cookie loving dad probably looked at the tray of freshly baked cookies and popped a whole one, or maybe two for that matter in his mouth without thinking breathing in a powdered sugar-dusted cookie is not the smartest idea. Soon my eyes began to fill with tears and I held my stomach from the agonizing pain in my gut of laughing so hard.
I look to Eros who has a look of horror on his face thinking he almost killed my father on Christmas Day and my mom doesn't seem too upset about it because I guess she caught the love bug for Eros!
"Daddy, are you ok?" I finally ask sucking in a breath of air and he continues to cough up his lungs and waves at me to dismiss the event I'm watching take place.
"Maybe this is a sign from God you need to lay off the sweets DAD!" I call him out and Eros chokes back a laugh until my dad finally clears his throat enough to talk.
"Both of my ladies are turning on me! Leaving me for this guy!" He points to Eros whose face goes red and my mom and I couldn't help but burst out laughing again. My dad finally straightened himself out and holds himself tall like he's trying not to be embarrassed over what just happened. He shrugs at us women.
"It's Christmas! I'm putting Kahlua in my coffee! AND I'm taking some of these cookies!" He says grabbing a handful from Eros and goofily walks off proudly.


The next few days passed by blissful but fast and the next minute we're boarding our flight back to Greece with Emily joining us. It was a grueling full days journey that would have our bodies feeling like mush and our minds in a daze not even understanding what time or day it actually is. Our overnight flight from San Francisco arrived for a layover at Frankfurt airport in Germany and from there we had a three-hour flight to Athens where we changed to a smaller plane to continue the rest of the forty minutes to Mykonos.

By the time the cab dropped us off at Eros's we all hit the pillow like a zombie and none of us woke the next day until noontime. Which worked out perfectly since it was New Year's Eve and we had another late night of partying ahead of us. Before Emily and I got ready for the evening that Eros has planned to meet Theo at the same club we all went to when we were on vacation, I took Emily with me to stop at Costas's house where Nafsika also lives to help care for him and she offered to watch Thaddeus while we were away.

"Yassas Theía!" I say as she opens the ancient wooden double doors to the house.
"Kristy! How was your visit?" She asked enthusiastically and greeted me with a kiss to each cheek.
"It was wonderful. This is my friend from back home, Emily"
"Nice to meet you. Come in" we walk into the home and right away Thad comes running and climbing up my body.
"Thad! I missed you too! Were you a good boy?" I said in a baby voice and Nafsika laughed seemingly very comfortable and fully in love with Thaddeus just as I am.
"It's going to be strange without him around now" She comments and it warms my heart she feels that way about these animals now.
"I think there's plenty to choose from Theía" I suggest and she smiles dearly as she nods her head.
"Kristy!" I hear her young energetic voice come from behind me.
"Athena! I didn't know you were still in town?" I said pleasantly surprised and welcoming her with a hug.
"Yes, Ina wanted to stay through Epiphany!" She says as Ina comes running in also.
"Hi, Ina! I'm happy to see you!" I kneeled down and squeezed her in a hug.
"Ina has made a friend since she's been here, haven't you to paidí mou?" Theía says looking down at Ina and she smiles petting Thad as he rubs against her leg wanting more.
"Aww! You can visit him anytime!" I offer to her and she giggles.
"Who's that? She looks like my Barbie dolls!" Ina says looking behind me to Emily.
"This is my friend from America, Emily. Emily this is Athena and her daughter Ina" I introduce them to each other.
"Nice to meet you" They both say kindly.
"Hey, are you doing anything tonight?" I ask Athena as the thought entered my head.
"We're all going to the club tonight for New Year's Eve. You should come with us!" I suggest and I hear Nafsika huff under her breath.
"Oh, thank you, but I don't know..." Athena hesitates shyly.
You should go!" Costas's voice echoes from the foyer and he slowly walks into the family room slumped over gripping a cane for walking support.
"Pappá!" Athena says and he waves his hand in the air.
"Prépei na vgeíte kai na diaskedásete! I Ína tha exei koimitheí méxri ekeini tin ora etsi k allios. Pigaínete!" He waves his hand at her again and she subtly smiles before turning back to me.
"Ok then, yes! Thank you for inviting me!"
"Of course! It's going to be a great time! I'm glad you're joining us!" I say excitedly as I pick up Thad and make my way to the door to take my leave with Emily.
"Thank you Theía for watching Thad!"
"Anytime my dear!"
"I'll see everyone tomorrow to celebrate!" I say to his family knowing there will be a full days worth of festivities to bring in the New Year.
"And we'll see you tonight!" I said to Athena looking back with a smile.


"to paidí mou". - my child

"Prépei na vgeíte kai na diaskedásete! I Ína tha exei koimitheí méxri ekeini tin ora etsi k allios. Pigaínete!" - you need to get out and have some fun! Ina will be asleep by that time anyway. Go!

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