Chapter 15

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Kristy's POV

"Excuse me while I push my hair off my face for the millionth time!" I say in an exaggerated manner following the gestures I spoke of in front of my clueless best friend.
"WHAT IS THAT?" Emily finally noticed the sparkly diamond that shined in her face.
"Oh this!" I waved my fingers in her face and she grabbed my hand looking closer as her jaw dropped to the ground.
"Relax! He proposed on New Year's Day! Besides his family and my parents, yes, you are the first to know!"
"You didn't call me!"
"Well, sorry I was a little busy being in love and shocked myself! Plus, I thought surprising you this way would be more enjoyable! I get to see your beached whale face of shock!" I said laughing at her expense and she finally locked her jaw shut before drool escaped.
"Oh my God! Tell me everything!"

I told her every little detail Eros had lovingly planned as we made our way down to the docks to meet him and Theo.
"There you are! You both made it just in time!" Eros said standing along side Nafsika as we approached them overlooking the sea where a group of men stood huddled by a priest.
"Well I hear congratulations is in order!" Emily said to Eros and he smiles pulling me closer to him.
"Thank you"
"So, what is Theo actually doing? He tried to explain it to me earlier but...well, I wasn't paying attention" Emily admitted shamelessly and I easily guessed as to why.
"Today is Epiphany also known as Theophany or Ta Fota, meaning the celebration of lights." Eros begins.
"Mikros Agiasmos, the Great Sanctification of Water" Nafsika says taking over the explanation. "Today celebrates the revelation of God and baptismal cleansing of Jesus in the waters." She says making a sign of the cross.
"To commemorate the baptism of Christ the priest blesses the water by casting a cross into it and men dive in and compete to retrieve it. Whoever recovers the cross is given a special blessing, believed to have great luck for the year ahead." Eros adds as the cheers of onlookers echo over the docks as the group of men dive into the sea swimming around like a school of fish at the waters surface.
"GOOO THEO!" Emily screamed clapping and jumping up and down until she looked back at Eros somewhat embarrassed.
"Are we allowed to cheer?"
"I don't see why not" he laughed and she began to do her cheerleader antics all over again.
"What's it like to see a baptism? Or even be baptized?" I asked Theía as the thought entered my mind.
"A joyful day for everyone as you became a true member of Gods family as his child. In any church it is one of the most important days of your life signifying the day that you truly became a Christian. But of course, no one remembers being that it takes place at infancy." She said with a kind smile.
"I'm pretty sure I was never baptized. I never grew up going to church or praying or even hearing about God" I admitted freely not thinking much of it since I know all that's changed since I met Eros. But when she looked at me next she had the look of pure horror on her face.
"You're not baptized? You can't get married if you've never been baptized!" She shouted sternly looking at me then over to Eros but before any of us could continue we were startled by Emily's voice resonating over all the other cheers.
"GOOO THEO! YEEEAAA!" She shouted again and I looked out to the water and got a clear sight of him with his arm held high in the air holding the cross.
"He got it!" I shouted cheerfully as I felt a tug on my shirt.
"Who got it?" Her little voice said down at my waist.
"Ina!" I picked her up so she could see over the crowd as I explained.
"Your uncles friend Theo retrieved the cross!" I said pointing him out.
"Theo's here?" I heard Athena's voice behind me and I turned to see her face in shock at the sight of him again.
"Ina, let's go" she tried to get her to leave as I put her down but Ina just pouted.
"But we just got here!"
"We missed it Ina. You took too long in the bath like I said. We'll see it next year. Ela!" she said taking her hand.

I looked at Ina and saw her wet hair tightly pulled back in a bun hiding the mighty curls she gets from her mother, leaving only her Grecian features to marvel at. Facial features that I've definitely seen before now that they're not masked by the thick crazy curls. I looked behind me and saw Theo exiting the water as Emily ran up to congratulate him and it confirmed my thoughts. Ina looked just like Theo! The same cheek bones, the same eyes, even the same smile!

It all made sense in my head!

Athena left a little over four years ago without talking to Theo about whatever it was that caused them to split up. Practically the same age as Ina I think. And Athena didn't seem uneasy at the club which she should've been if her story were true of what happened to her getting drugged. It was all a cover to hide who Ina's true father was. And it definitely showed on both their faces they haven't seen each other in all these years and that what they had together, doesn't seem over either.
"Kristy? What's wrong?" Eros came over and must have seen my face of shock.
"I...umm...nothing, it's nothing"
"I know when somethings bothering you, my love. Please tell me" He asked rubbing my back for comfort.
"I...I can't" I said moving away from him needing space and time to think.

I can't tell him! I've only just become part of his family and I don't know Athena well enough to state accusations like that! It could upset her and the whole family and I don't want to be the one to cause a disruption.
"Kristy! Talk to me, please!" He begged not letting go of the subject as he followed me around like a sad Thaddeus as I paced the docks trying to find an excuse.
"Is this about the whole thing with the baptism that Theía brought up?" He asked in a panic grabbing my hand.
"N-no?" I started to answer but I questioned myself realizing it is a huge issue that is a concern and a distraction from the revelation of Theo and Athena.  A heavy concern that until now I haven't even had time to process yet.
"I mean, I don't know...maybe? I don't know anything about it other than what Nafsika said that I can't marry you!" I said with concern and worry flooding my face.
"Kristy, I don't want you to worry. We can talk about it more over dinner. But please, don't worry. I love you more than anything and I'll do what ever I have to do to marry you!"
"I will too! Let's talk about it, ok?" I said calming his nerves as he calmed mine while I stroked my fingers through his hair.

I needed to know more about the Greek culture as apparently there are some rules and possible hurdles we'd have to get though in order to be able to spend the rest of our lives together. And I feel the same as Eros. I'd do anything to be with him.


Athena! Theo! Ina! Emily!
Where does this leave them all?
Is Kristy going to tell Eros!

What about the wedding???

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