The Teacher (Eddiexgeage)

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(geage pov)

"Ok so what is the answer to this question?" I looked at my teacher his name is Eddie and he is on of the hottest teachers at this school. He gives me detentions all the time just to mess with me and to be honest I kinda like it. He is the youngest teacher here he is only 21 and I am 19 (I don't know how it works) I raise my hand to answer the question he looks at me and smiles "the answer is 49" he smiles and says "great job geage. Ok class we have a test today I am hoping you studied" I did study but that's because Eddie gives me rewards if I listen. He starts handing out the test and he came up to me and whispered " pass this test geage?" I look at him and said "only for you eddie~" he smirks and says "go out in the hallway and work on your test please" I smile and walk into the hallway. I feel my phone vibrate I looked at it and saw it was Eddie. I grin and look at the text

Eddie❤️- hey geage you better be getting your work done or you be punished~

Geage- and what if i want to?

Eddie- change of plans I want you to come to my house please. my address is (you can think of one)

Geage- can I bring my friends?

Eddie- sure but you will have to be quite~

Geage- fuck you

~end of chat~

(Geage pov)

As I finish my test I walk in the class and hand it to Eddie. I look at him and turn around and smirk I walk back to my desk slowly. When I got to my seat I sit down I see Eddie bite his bottom lip. I smile and get on my phone "geage phone away now" Eddie was at my desk looking at me "what are you gonna do dumbass?" He growls and the kids in class start laughing. He takes my phone and I yell "hey give me my fucking phone back cunt!" He looks at me and takes off his glasses and says "I'll deal with you later" he growls at me. "Fuck you look hot without glasses" luckily no one heard me. Class ends and I go to my car "FUCK HE HAS MY PHONE STILL!"


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