~ 0.8 | The Basilisk

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(n.) A feeling of fear, apprehension or nervousness.

) A feeling of fear, apprehension or nervousness

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"Do you have to go, Draco?"

"I'll be fine Cassie."

"You said that last year then there was the troll and the dragon and the Voldemort on the back of some guys head."

"I still think that last one was just a rumour to make Potter look good."

"I know you've only told me that a hundred times - honestly, I think you have an obsession."

"I am not obsessed with Saint Potter and to imply as much is an insult."

"Whatever you say Dragon. Just promise you'll be safe?" Cassie pleaded holding up her pinkie.

"Seriously?" Draco looked at her in disbelief.

"Pinkie swear or I'll tell Pansy and Blaise about your obsession with Potter - Hell, I'll find a way to owl Potter and tell him myself!"

"Really?" he sighs exasperatedly.

"It's unhealthy Draco, I know your jealous but jeez."

"Fine." he relented sticking out his pinkie.

"That's all I wanted. Now really, please stay safe."

"I will, I have to go now I'll see you in the summer? Father says I'm staying at Hogwarts this Christmas." he whispered hugging her tightly.

"Oh, okay." she muttered disappointedly.

"Goodbye Star, try not to miss me too much."

"Bye Dragon." 

Cassie watched dejectedly as the train left taking her best friends with it while she was stuck at home for another year.  


Dear Cassiopeia,

You'd never guess what Dumbledore has done this time! Potter and Weaslebee missed the train and were so pathetically dim-witted that they thought they'd take a flying car to Hogwarts, which they crashed into the Whomping Willow (Hogwarts resident murder tree).

Professor Snape was livid and wanted them expelled but Dumbledore let McGonagall handle them, so they only got detention! Detention when they were seen by no less than seven muggles.

Weaslebee got a right howler from is mum though. It was terrific, his face was redder than his hair! 

I've got to go to breakfast now, Blaise is harassing me. 

Love Dragon Xx


Dear Draco,

Dumbledore really has some authority issues overwriting law like that - I swear what they did was illegal. I bet Snape was beside himself with rage.

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