~ 1.15 | And so it Begins

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(n.) A series of interconnected things or events.

) A series of interconnected things or events

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"Lucky the ground was so soft."

"Thought they were dead for sure."

"Draco will you stop pacing, you're giving me a headache!"

"The scariest thing I'd ever seen."

"So bloody cold."

Scariest... scariest thing... cold... screaming... falling... dead...

Cassie's eyes snapped open and she took in a gasp of air.

"Bellissima!" Blaise greeted, relief clear in his gaze. "How're you feeling?"

"Like I just fell 50 feet," She groaned, memories flashing before her eyes as if on fast forward. The storm - hitting bludgers - the snitch - dementors - falling - a dog... her dad?

Blaise snickered, "In a bit of pain then?"

"How about I throw you off your broom while 50 feet up and surrounded by dementors, see how you'd like it?"

"I'd happily do that for you Cassie, save you the effort," volunteered Pansy.

She sat up, only just realising her bed was surrounded by the quidditch team. 

"We won, right? Please tell me I didn't fall off my broom on my first match to then have lost the game." she said looking at Marcus expectantly. 

"Don't worry, Malfoy caught the snitch just before Potter fell. You kicked arse out there today Black," he said approvingly.

"Yeah, until I fell off my broom," she snorted. "Wait... my broom. Where's my broom?"

"We put it away with the others," Blaise informed her and she breathed a sigh of relief. "I caught it as soon as you started falling, just wasn't fast enough to catch you."

Cassie looked over to the other crowded hospital bed next to her and saw Harry and the Gryffindor quidditch team, but their captain wasn't there. "Hey, where's Wood?"

"Still in the showers -" informed George, who had just come to check on her after realising she had woken up.

"-we think he's trying to drown himself." finished Fred.

Cassie snorted, "Not happy for the loss, then?"

"No, he admits it was fair though," said George.

"When Malfoy caught the snitch, he didn't even know Harry was falling," Fred conceded, if a little reluctantly.

"Speaking of Draco, where is he?" she asked, looking at Pansy.

"Over there," she pointed towards a covered hospital bed. "Madam Pomfrey forced a calming then sleeping draught down his throat. He was not happy about your fall, started ranting and pacing around. He'll be released in the morning, apparently."

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