Chapter 31.

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Laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling. That's all that I'm doing. My stomach was growling and I was starving, I would even take liquid energon even though I don't really like it. I'm bored, hungry, and alone. Being a "pet" is no fun! I wish I could spend some time with Peakstrider, he was really nice. He didn't deserve to be a prisoner here, and neither did I.

I don't care what the risks are anymore, I need to get out of here and go home! Peakstrider too! Even if that means I could get caught by any of the mean bots here. I'll think of something, I have to. But right now I'm so hungry I can't think straight, I just need FOOOOOD. Groaning loudly from tummy pains, surely someone had heard me by now.

I heard the door open, but I didn't wanna sit up so I didn't.


I groaned and sat up, seeing it wasn't Lockdown but instead the orange masked guy. He held a box in one hand and I perked, it must be energon! He came into the room and set the box down in front of me, I got onto my hands and knees and crawled to it. Using my claws to open it, I see that it IS energon! And not just any energon, IT'S CRYSTALS!! My favorite! I smiled and squealed happily.

"YAY!! Crystals!" I squealed.

The orange masked guy only watched as I tore into the crystals, munching on them loudly. Luckily these didn't have a sweeter taste like they did when Slingblade gave me some, so I guess I'm not gonna fall asleep. I quickly ate my energon crystals because I was so hungry, now feeling nice and satisfied. The orange masked guy just stood there as I finished the last of the energon, purring loudly since I was happy now.

"Such savagery." He said.

I turned to him, "Huh?"

"Predacons are feral beasts just as I predicted."

Feral?! My ears stood up and I growled.

"I am NOT feral! I was starving!" I exclaim.

"Keep telling yourself that."

He turned around to leave the room, but he turned back around and took the crate from me first. Then he left, the door closing again.

Well, back to boredom...

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A few weeks had gone by since Peakstrider and Springlock had met. The mech sat alone in his cage, listening to the hissing of pipes and growling from other creatures and inmates. He too was bored out of his mind, albeit waiting for the right moment. Peakstrider did not want to be involved in the war, but he was much smarter than he looked. He could hack into most system networking and knew the basics of combat, he was only waiting for the right moment to escape.

He memorized the times whenever either the guards or Lockdown would pass by his cage, they were consistent each time. Although sometimes the grey mech would have the young Predacon at his side, she looked absolutely miserable whenever she was with him. Peakstrider felt very sorry for her, especially when she told him what got her there in the first place. He knew what he had to do. Escape, then get the sparkling out.

The prisoner sat leaning against the wall of his cage when he saw 2 of the guards walking past, ensuring that the prisoners were all still secured. Sure enough they all were, for now at least. Peakstrider watched the guards walk away and listened to make sure they were far enough away. When he couldn't hear their footsteps anymore, he knew it was time.

The mech held up his arm, his parts shifting to reveal a small screen and keypad. He started typing in a bypass code that would unlock almost everything, hopefully it would work on his cage as well. Fortunately, it worked like a charm. His cage door unlocked and opened, he was free. Peakstrider exited his cage and stretched out, his joints popping and locking. Taking a quick glance around, there were no guards in sight.

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