Chapter 53.

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The Queen grunts as she stands up from her throne, still holding her stomach. I was ready to rush in and help her in case she were to fall since Zexal wasn't anywhere to be seen. But yet again, she was okay and made it down the few stairs leading to it. Ravage meowed and tilted his head as she slowly walked past Ratchet, Lockshift and me. I gently pet my cats head as we went and followed her, Coiler jumped up onto her mother's back.

"Are you sure you should be going outside, Mom?" The little robot serpent asks.

"Yes I'm sure, sweetie. Your mother is a lot tougher than you think." She says.

"And stubborn." Ratchet muttered.

Both Xeno and Coiler turned their heads and gave Ratchet a funny look before turning back around. I think they heard him.

We made it outside without another word, the Queen was headed towards the city gates when the citizens around us noticed her. They started raising their fists and letting out loud roars. I had to cover my ears because their roars were really loud. She returned a roar of her own, which was even LOUDER if you were standing close enough to her. And we were.

The roaring started to quiet down as we got closer to the city gates, thank the Allspark. That was one of the loudest things I've ever heard in my life. At least it's pretty much over now. Xenos ship was a few hundred years away from the city gates and had the ramp lowered. We walked toward it and headed up the ramp into the ship, we could hear the hissing of pipes as we entered the corridor.

"Whoaaaa, is this the ship you were held captive on Mom?" Coiler asks.

"Yes, but now it's ours."

This place doesn't bring me any good memories, even before I was thrown into a cage for who knows how long. And I was in that cage only a few weeks ago... I must look scared because Ravage stood on his hind legs and pawed me with a meow. It put a smile on my face and I hugged him tightly, the mini con started licking my face. I giggled and nuzzled my kitty before he jumped down, looking up to see Xeno looking at me with a worried face before returning to normal.

"Where are your Knight friends, kid?" She asks.

"They're in the same room you found me in." I say.

Xeno looked worried again.

"Maybe you shouldn't go in there." The Queen says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"You don't need to be reminded of your time in there."

Xeno started to walk off towards the Knights Teminos. I'm not sure why she would say something like that, but she was probably right. The first time I went into that room, I was freaking out because I thought I was gonna be thrown into a cage. But what's weird is...does she know that I did?? Did her "sixth sense" tell her that? Did it also tell her that I had a mental breakdown..?

She managed to make it halfway down the corridor with the 2 medics after I snapped out of my train of thought. I rushed to keep up with them as they were almost to the room, my kitty running at my side. Ratchet asked her questions about her pain and mobility, she mostly answered with "Fine", "Decent", or "Eh, could be better but I'm okay." The entrance to the Knights Teminos was just ahead. I started to slow down long before I reached the door, stopping several yards away from it while the others went up to the door. They looked back at me.

"Hey kid, which cages are they in?" Xeno asks.

"The really big ones, there should be 4. But be careful, they might be sleeping and they HATE being woken up. Maybe I should go in too, they know me."

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