Chapter 33.

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The ship arrived at Queen Xenos city not too long after she commandeered it. I'm amazed how easily she just took command of them, especially while she was visibly injured. Her name is seriously very familiar, but I can't remember where I heard it from and it's driving me crazy. Dangit, where have I heard it??

I looked out the cockpit window and saw a giant silver city, it was almost like Iacon. The only thing I found weird was that it was surrounded by large organic green plants, but what would I know?

"Alright, I think we got off to a bad start. Thank you all for doing what I asked even though I threatened you, from now on I will treat you with respect as long as you treat me with respect. Capische?"

I turned my head to see Xeno talking to the guards, who all looked very surprised. Even though she's being gentle she sounds like she's gonna rip you in half regardless.

"Could you all keep the ship here while me and this little one head in?" She asks.

The guards slowly nod really nervously.

"Thank you. Now you," Xeno pointed at me, "I know where to get you some energon, come with me."

I nod silently. The Queen walks out of the cockpit and I followed behind her, so did her steeljaw. I wonder how she managed to take one of Lockdown's dogs, AND make it all friendly. The others weren't very nice when they were chasing Peakstrider and me, but Scout was just silly and all goofy. Maybe she reformed him?  I don't know her or Scout too well to know for sure.

We walked down the ships exit ramp and I stepped onto mushy green ground. I gasped as it didn't make a clang or metallic noise at all, more like a woosh noise. Xeno looked at me with a chuckle.

"I'm guessing you've never stepped onto an organic planets surface, huh?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"Ah well, now you can say you have. Come on, kid."

I nod and walk with her towards the open gates of the large city. Entering the city and stepping onto a metal road, I was shocked by its citizens appearances. They were these much smaller organic creatures a bit shorter than me, they had long black things running from the back of their heads, tannish skin colors, wore very minimal silver armor, and most of them had silver masks covering their entire face. The ones who didn't wear a battle mask had large mouths with mandibles on either side. They were actually scary looking and lots of them stared at me as I passed, but Xeno made clicking noises at them and they nodded.

None of these creatures even look like her, and that's kinda weird. I stuck close to the Queen since she seemed to know exactly where she was going, and right now it was towards a REALLY tall building next to another. Another of the creatures was waiting outside the tall building, but this one looked a bit different than the others I saw.

This one was bigger, had dark red things running from the back of his head, dark red armor, a brown flimsy pelvic piece, a black cape, and light brown eyes. His eyes widened at the sight of me, I only stood close to the Queen Xenomorph when she started clicking again. He started clicking to her and they were conversing with clicks.

My ears drooped and I whimpered, but Xeno gently pat my head and shushed me.

"Hey, it's okay. This is my father, Je'Trya." She said.

I only nod and stayed close. This one was her PAPA? I....I don't wanna know. I really don't. I turned around and just stared at the large city around us, it almost reminds me of home... Home. Home is where Optimus, Elita, Grimlock, Sludge, Swoop, Snarl, Slug, and the Autobots are. I miss them all so much, I just want to go home and hug them all again...

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