A/N? Or just shit post who tf knows?

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Hey guys sorry about another one of these but I found this video a while ago and just remembered about it

This is not my video and belong to Ra Nerdsworth now if you wanna check it out I suggest you do it brings to light possibly why are explosive Pomeranian is the way he is.

Now I don't wanna get all depressing and sad because I don't think any of us are looking to end our night or start our morning or ruin our afternoon (and by our I kinda mean y'all cause it's like 12am where I live) ANYWAYS.............if anyone is dealing with abuse, depression, anxiety or any other shit like that please talk to someone because holding that shit in and not talking about it isn't really healthy.

And I know I may sound like any other joe shmo but I really do think that you should talk about it, as someone who is now trying to deal with my own traumas  years after it they have happened I really do believe you should talk to someone.

ANYWAYS..............I need to stop being depressing and write shit so Good Night, Good Morning, Good Afternoon have an amazing day/night and I'll try and upload something by tomorrow byeeeeeeeeee luvs

~xoxo WildCard

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