Chapter 8

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Seeing Zac in history class the next day was awkward, Dream thought. Especially knowing that his motive for taking the class was to find evidence to prove that the teacher was actually a criminal.

"Hey, Dream," Savannah said, approaching Dream right after history. Luckily, their lockers were right next to each other. "Do you want to go somewhere, maybe hang out, later today?"

"Detention after school, remember?" Dream said, sighing.

"Oh that's okay," Savannah said. "I have dance and gymnastics anyway. I was thinking maybe in the evening? Around dinner time?"

"Oh, right," Dream said, remembering her conversation with Sawyer the night before. "Maybe, but be forewarned, if I end up having a lot of homework and have to stay up all night finishing it, don't blame me for being cranky tomorrow." She grabbed her books.

"Okay," Savannah said. "I'll see you then!"


"You know," Dream confessed, as they sat down at the lunch tables. "I really, really, really, don't like the mall."

"Really?" Savannah stared at her like she was an alien. "How is that even humanly possible? I mean, it's the mall. Not a dumpster or something gross like that."

Dream shrugged. "I guess I personally prefer to be in more quiet places. It helps me think. And makes me calm down."

"Hm," Savannah said. "I mean, we could go stargazing or something, but like..."

"I'd love to go stargazing!" Dream said.

"Um...I was about to say that's old-fashioned and weird and oddly more suitable for like a date night or something..."

"Oh," Dream said, feeling slightly disappointed. "I mean, it's not exactly that bad. I used to go for walks in the forests with my best friend Chloe back in Miami. Although she always complained, it was still nice."

Savannah grew silent as she ate her hot dog, seeming to stare blankly into space.

"SAVVY!" Sawyer ran over, tackling her to the ground.

Savannah stood up, glaring at Sawyer. "I swear, if you do anything like that ever again, I will--"

"Chillax, Savannah," Axel said, amusement in his eyes. He turned to Dream. "Aren't they something?"

Dream laughed. "Yep." Inside her mind, she was beginning to wonder how she so comfortably fit into Savannah's friend group when she'd only met them the day before. Savannah was already inviting her to hang out, Sawyer was incredibly friendly the night before, and Axel was treating her like she had been part of the group all along. It was like she'd known them for years.

And then there was Zac, who confided in her about his suspicions about Mrs. Woods. That part was strange, too.

"Earth to Dream! Earth to Dream!" Savannah was saying. "Gosh, that sounded interesting," she laughed. "Your name is cool."

Dream blinked. "Sorry, what were you saying just now?"

"Oh," Savannah laughed, brushing it off. "After my extremely annoying brother," Savannah said, glaring at Sawyer, "injured me, we had a little argument and I asked you, isn't he terrible?"

"Oh," Dream said. "He's not really bad. Last night my dad and I went to the Burger Grill and he was pretty nice."

"Yeah," Sawyer chimed in. "Dream thinks I'm nice."

"Oh shut up," Savannah said, smacking her brother on the wrist.

Not wanting to get in between Savannah and Sawyer's petty sibling arguments, Dream decided, "I think I'm going to go to class now. It was nice having lunch with you guys."

Savannah, Sawyer, and Axel waved goodbye as Dream made her way back to the classroom.

Interestingly, although they were imperfect, Dream still loved this group of new friends she'd made. For almost her entire life, she hadn't even had a single friend. Then, when she moved to Miami, she had Chloe.

Now, in Brooklyn, although she just got here two days ago, she had a little group of friends.

Now that, Dream thought to herself, is called improvement.



Here's Chapter 8 for y'all! I definitely hope you enjoyed it!!

THANKS SO MUCH FOR 250+ VIEWS!!! That's so crazy!! (Yes I am lame, I know.) And the funny thing is, I used to ask you guys for comments but now we have more comments than reads so.... haha!! 😊

There's not a wholeeee lot of action in this chapter, but next chapter... 🤔Comment on what you think is going to happen!

I do respond to almost all comments so do drop those :D I love all the comments you guys have been writing! And definitely don't forget to vote, haha.

Anyways, that's it for today! I'll update again by the end of the week 😃so stay tuned for that!!

💙, Stella Rose

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