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A sigh escapes Dazai's lips. It was another late night of his unsympathetic insomnia, holding him hostage from a wink of rest; he rests his bandaged arms on the metal fence, inhaling the polluted air as he dazes into the night life streets of Yokohama from the comfort of his apartment balcony. Unfortunately, the fellow detective had work tomorrow — or technically, today; At this rate, he reckoned that sleep was out of the question; he brought his bandaged hand to his face, harshly attempting to erase the dark bags under his eyes.

"Osa?" a soft-spoken voice called out to him, (removing his hand from his face) the brunette perked up to the sound of his name. He turns his head behind him. His chocolate half-closed orbs met with hers. The subtle moonlight caresses her skin, the glow divulge her features enabling Dazai to admire her beauty, though her attire only comprises one of his shirts that hugged her figure warmly when his presence is needed elsewhere. Osamu's lips form into a tired smile, for in his girlfriend's hands she held two mugs. Y/n fills the vacant spot next to him as she gives him a mug, Dazai takes the mug, affectionately planting a kiss on her nape with gratitude.

"Insomnia?" She took a sip from her mug, "Like always. ~" Dazai winked at her and took a sip out of his own mug, his eyes glued to the view, but she just frowned. Y/n could vividly see the tiredness on his face — he was worn out, she was overwrought about him. To Osamu his health wasn't his top priority, it was constantly swept under the rug and laced with jokes as if nothing was happening, she wishes Osamu would talk to her about it, but speaking about something like 'health' shouldn't be forced upon a man like Dazai, after all his past was filled with nothing but negligence and suffering.

"Have you taken a pill yet?" Dazai shakes his head, his eyes still focused on the street below them. Y/n takes Osamu's empty mug from his grasp and places her and Osamu's mug on the glass balcony table. "How come?" She turns her attention back to the male, "Turns out I ran out, I'll just buy some tomorrow." Osamu rests his face on his palm, his eyes trailing towards his girlfriend.

"I worry about you, you know." Y/n mutters. "Y/n, you shouldn't worry about me so much, it will only wear you out.-" "But how can I do that? You keep putting on this-this facade to hide your suffering. I acknowledge how you grew up, and it takes time to talk about it, I get that. But I can't help but be worried, because I love you."

Y/n froze. Her petite hands shoot up to her mouth. Osamu's lips fell slightly apart, taken aback by her sudden outburst, though it wasn't long time is lips turned upwards into smirk "You what? ~"  His ear craved to hear her say those three words again. "I-forget I said anything." she silently cursed at her stutter, she was digging herself and even bigger hole she knew for sure Dazai would be annoying her to death about this. "Y/n~, but I didn't hear what you saiddd~" Dazai whined, y/n was well he had heard her clearly -- crystal clear, she wasn't willing to give in and boost his ego.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight Osamu!" Y/n turns her heel and makes her way inside but abruptly halts in front of the door frame as she releases a shallow exhale "I love you, Osa." she then steps inside of their shared apartment.

"I love you too, Y/n."


❑ it's not amazing, but I felt bad for not feeding you guys for months, I've been working on my writing style a lot (this is just a pre-made oneshot, it doesn't reflect my writing style now) so I'll try my hardest to make the next oneshot worth the wait!

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