27. Expelliarmus

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Draco Malfoy:

It feels like I'm close, I'm making progress, and it's only been a couple of days, I will have it fixed in time. What a relief, I'll not die just yet, then. It feels like it already been months, months without Rebecca. It was torture. Seeing Rebecca every time I closed my eyes but not being able to touch her, Merlin I miss her. I sighed as her face appeared in my mind again. 

As I stood in front of the cabinet with my wand in my hand, I just felt something in my heart; it was pain that I've never felt before. I dropped down to the floor, my hands shaking. I couldn't breathe, what's happening? It felt like I got stabbed in the heart with a dull knife. 

I needed to get out of this shirt; it was suffocating me. I was just about to remove my blazer when I burned myself, I burned myself on the breast pocket. It was the locket.

I tried to get it out of the pocket, but I kept burning myself, I fumbled with my hands on the cold floor, trying to reach for something I could grab it with. I got my hands on the blanket and wrapped myself with it as I forced the locket out and threw it on the floor.

It was smoking. 

The pain started to fade away as I got rid of the locket, and my breathing started to get back to normal. 

I pulled myself forward towards the smoking locket, my legs still too weak to be able to stand. 

I tried to touch it again, but I kept getting burned, it was shimmering and smoking. What's wrong with it?

Something inside of me told me that Rebecca was in danger. I have to find her.

Suddenly the locket opened itself, and I could see it starting to move like it was alive and a picture appeared above it, it was showing me Malfoy Manor. 


Rebecca Sullivan

"Don't touch her!" I suddenly hear Sam desperately scream at Lucius. She's sitting on her knees on the floor while tears are streaming down her face, the usual spark in her eyes is nowhere to be found in this sepulchral light. She's shaking uncontrollably as she's staring at Lucius. As she spoke, Carlin grabbed her arm, trying to hold her back. Carlin seems panicked too, but I can see how he's trying to fight it off, trying to stay brave for Sam, or maybe for all of us. 

"And why should I listen to you, Miss...?" Lucius scoffed. 

Sam couldn't get another word out as she was sobbing in Carlin's arms. 

"It's sad to see you this lost boy, such a pity," Lucius growled at Carlin before he turned back towards me, "Very well, we meet, at last."

I now had no choice but to look into Lucius' eyes, I could see Draco's eyes in his; the resemblance made me shiver.

"Please," I pleaded, as I was still trapped with my hair in his tight fist. 

I heard Bellatrix malicious laugh behind him as she started to walk back and forth.  

"Lucius, don't-." I heard a soft voice plead, but before it got to finish, she was interrupted, "Ssh Narcissa," Lucius hissed.

Narcissa, Draco's mother. 

"Think about our son," Narcissa kept pleading. 

Draco, Draco please, I'm sorry, I thought to myself. 

"I love him," I whispered. 

Lucius scoffed, "Please, it's a childish crush. He'll get over you." 

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