The first time She saw him

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She observed him from afar.

Peeking out of the corners of her eyes at him, thick black lines obscuring her vision of him.

Her teacher clapped her hands and called "class into position please"

Then seeing Alex hadn't moved said with only a note of impatience in her voice "Alex go to your place please"

Snapping out of her stupor Alex stepped into her line and raised her arms in fifth

Fixing a smile on her face Alex started to dance her adage her feet skimming over the floor.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the boy stumble and quickly heard her teacher correct him


Was all she heard,The other words lost as Alex stood dumbstruck, stock still forgetting that she was in the middle of dancing

"Alex" her teacher yelled

"You are a dancer! Now stop daydreaming!!"

Once again Alex dragged herself out of her daydream only to see Thomas looking at her like she had three heads.

She groaned internally "@#$!" She muttered not loud enough for anyone to hear. Anyone except Thomas that is.

Giving Alex another strange look he edged away from her while she cursed again.

"Why is everything I do awkward?" She thought miserably


In the changing room Alex chatted to her friend Stacy.

"Who Was that guy anyway?" She asked her

"I don't know how should I know?!?!" Alex whisper shouted at her a tiny flush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Jeez Alex keep it down! I only asked!"

Then seeing the red on her friends face she cocked her head to the side

"what is it with you today anyway? You freeze in your Adage and now your acting all psycho on me Cause I asked you a question! Whats up?"

"Uhh Nothing I uh gotta go! My umm Dad just phoned he uh said he is waiting! Uhh gotta go bye!"

"But Alex!" Stacy yelled after her " Your Dad left three years ago!"

Heya guys and gals! Thnx for reading this short bit of my new book! And an extra thank you if you read my other book too! I also thought of a game we could play to make this more interesting (cause I'm the weirdo who plays games with complete strangers) so this is how it goes. I say the first lyric of a song and you guys try and keep going so person one would comment line two and person two would comment line three etc so the first line is...

Because you know I'm all about that bass!

(Don't worry they will get harder!)

(And please don't scream at people if they get a line wrong I've made impulse comments before and regretted them seconds later)

Newtgirl12,signing out

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