Snippets of Hope: XXII.

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If your goal is to be as miserable as possible, what will you do?

Take a minute to mention them to yourself, write them down if you must and take a look at them. Are these really coping mechanisms or things that actively make you feel worse about yourself? If your goal isn't to be miserable, why then do you do these things?

Acknowledging these behaviours, recognising them as the reasons for your constant state of anger, awfulness yet doing them over and over again will lead you nowhere. Instead, start by doing the opposite slowly.

If social media gives you so much anxiety, take a break. If keeping late nights makes you cranky during the day, sleep earlier. If saying yes to a person will make you feel awful about it later on, say no. If hanging around certain kind of people leaves you drained at the end of the day, stop hanging out with them. Don't ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday, let it go.

Feed your mind with positive thoughts. Start at a pace which makes you comfortable while allowing you to make progress. Instead of waiting for life to meet your expectations, adjust your expectations to meet life. Each step you take forward, however small, is another layer of experience you add to yourself.

To get new and better results, you have to keep moving, do something different and deliberate. Overthinking will only drain your energy and life is a celebration, not a funeral; you are not alone.

 Overthinking will only drain your energy and life is a celebration, not a funeral; you are not alone

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