Chapter 17:

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"Are you done yet?" Ransom blurts out, startling me.

Why does Ransom have to rush me?

"If you didn't ask me every minute, maybe I would have picked already." I retort.

Ransom sighs irritably and pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"Just hurry up!" he says in a rude tone. He walks away answering his phone, leaving me with two trolleys filled with groceries. The trolleys are so full that it looks like there is enough food to last for months.

I stare back at the ready-made meals and I contemplate which ones I should pick. I doubt Ransom will be cooking at all, and I do not want to be behind a stove every single night of this week. Plus, Ransom won't be cooking once I am back at my own house, so purchasing ready-made meals is key for Ransom.

I decide on the following:

Macaroni and cheese


Potato Bake – yum!

Cottage pie – double yum!

I pass on the spaghetti and meatballs. They honestly look revolting. Like poop droppings on pasta – no thank you!

I push both the trolleys to the till point – granted one staff member helped me push one of the trolleys to the till point, which I thanked him for.

Sadly, this was a male staff member who is quite good looking...

"Can I help you?" Ransom asks bitterly toward the staff member.

"No Sir, I was simply helping this young lady to the till point." The staff member answers kindly to Ransom.

"If you say so." Ransom's tone does not sound genuine.

The staff member smiles at me and walks away to attend to an elderly person.

"You didn't have to be so rude to him." I say annoyingly.

"What did he want?" Ransom asks, ignoring what I just said.

"My cellphone number and me dressed in nothing but my underwear."

Ransom's glares at me and his eyes look like daggers.

"Would you relax? He just helped me pull a trolley to the till point...something you didn't help with considering this is all going to your house." I say in a frustrated voice.

Ransom raises his brows and looks at his phone. "The painters are at your house, but your friend is being a pain by observing them." Ransom informs me, completely ignoring what I just told him.

"I am guessing Lydia doesn't like strangers in my house?" I raise my shoulders, pretending to be confused. I know Lydia would keep an eye on the painters.

"And don't tell me Lydia is a pain. She is just looking out for me." I say, standing up for my friend.

Before Ransom can speak, my phone vibrates and I check to see that Lydia is phoning me. It's as if she knew I was speaking about her.

"Hello?" I hold up my finger to shut Ransom up.

"You think that will work?" Ransom says spitefully.

I sigh and walk away.

"Sorry, I needed to get into a quieter spot." I explain.

"You mean you needed to get away from Ransom?" Lydia laughs.

"How'd you know?" I joke.

"Yeah...anyway, down to business. The painters are here and your father is here too and let's just say...he is not happy at all."

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