New School, New Name

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Hey Guys! So this is my first fan fiction ever, so please don't be too harsh! I had read a couple stories about the Divergent gang with powers, so I decided to write one myself! I hope that you guys enjoy my story! As always, constructive criticism is appreciated. Also, I am planning to have this story in Tris POV, but if I need to I might switch back and forth between Tris POV and Four POV.  And now, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I unfortunately don't own the Divergent Series, all rights go to Veronica Roth!

~Tris POV~

          My alarm goes off playing Shake It Off by Taylor Swift. My eyes open only to land on the clock. 7:30. Shoot! I have to be at school by 8:00! I jump out of bed, brush my teeth, and sprint into my walk-in closet. Good thing that I took a shower yesterday, I predicted this would happen. I quickly put on a pair of denim short shorts and a tight black off-the-shoulder crop top with a silver swirly pattern on the front center. I curl my hair into loose curls and plop a black beret onto my head. I pull on my black converse low-tops and rush downstairs. I dab on just a bit of makeup; foundation, a thin line of eyeliner, black mascara, light pink lipstick, and clear lip gloss. Might as well look good for my first day as a freshman. 7:45. Oh well, looks like I'll have to skip breakfast. I grab a chocolate chip muffin, hop in my black my black Ferrari, and head to school. 

        I should probably explain myself. My name is Beatrice Prior. I am starting as a freshman at Divergent High:School for the Gifted. My mom is a famous fashion designer, and my dad is a important government official. Needless to say, we're rich. I also have a totally nerdy older brother named Caleb. He is only 10 months older than me though, so we're in the same grade. He probably left for school early, nerd. This new school that we're attending isn't just a school for regular people. It is a school for people with paranormal powers. My powers are the ability to control fire, telekinesis, and the gift of beauty. I have long golden blond hair that flows until my waist and a perfect hourglass figure. My eyes are a sparkling mixture of blue and gray, and I have full pink lips. I know that I'm pretty, but I usually try not to flaunt it. I pull into the school just in time, ten minutes to 8:00. That gives me some time to grab my schedule and find my locker. 

        I am trying as hard as I can to navigate through the sea of students that are crowding the hallway when I suddenly run into someone and fall right on my butt. I look up to see a tall girl with mocha skin and shoulder length jet black hair. She immediately offers me her hand, and I accept it and pull myself up. "Hi, I'm Christina! Sorry about knocking you down!" she says brightly. "Are you new here? You look a little lost. Are you a freshman? I hope you are. I am too! I've already had a tour of the place, I can show you around if you want! What's your name, by the way?!" I can't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. "Don't worry about it. I'm Bea...Tris. My name is Tris. Yes, I'm a freshman, and I'd really appreciate a tour of the place. I mean, It's huge!" "I know right!? C'mon let's go to the office, you need to get your schedule."

                                                                                                                                               {Time Skip; Tris gets her Schedule}

   Locker Number: 46         Combination: 46-10-44

      Music-Ms. Wu

      Art-Mrs. Mueller

      Power Development-Ms. Ashby

      AP Trigonometry-Mr. Mirsun


      AP Social Studies- Mr. James

      AP Literature-Mrs. Waters

      AP Science-Mrs. Matthews

      P.E.-Coach Amar

        "Hmm", says Christina analyzing my schedule over my shoulder. "Hey! You're my locker buddy! And we have P.E., Science, Lunch, and Music together. Looks like we're gonna be besties!", she says while nudging my arm with her elbow. I just shake my head and smile at her. "I'm glad that I have someone I know in my classes. At least I won't look like a complete loner in all of them" is my brilliant response. She grins and hooks her elbow through mine. "Aw, don't worry! I'll introduce you to the rest of the gang. You're bound to have some classes with them too!" I smile and let her lead me through the crowd of students, but my head is elsewhere. I hope that her friends are as friendly as she is. I don't need a repeat of...last year.

Hey guys! It's me again! What do you think so far? Should I keep updating? Give me some feedback, please! Again, this is my first fanfiction, so please be kind. Constructive critiscism is always appreciated. Stay Divergent, my Initiates!


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