-part four-

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SHE TRIED WIGGLING OUT of his grip, making him subconsciously pull her back closer, curling his body. She took notice to his fluffy, white hair as it was all over the place; it almost made her heart skip a beat.

Maybe she could give him a second chance.

She played with his hair, finding something to do while she comes up with a solution from her awful fuck up.

"Mmm," Daniel hums, nuzzling into her chest more, if that was possible.

"Daniel," she whispers, trying to wake him up, "daniel."

"What?" he says, his voice raspy and tiredness dripping from his word. She blushes slightly by his morning voice, remembering the times she would wake up next to him to the boy singing softly to her.

"We need to talk," she whispers again. He lifts his head and looks at her, his eyes puffy from crying so much last night.

"About what?" he asks, his smile falling, "please don't leave me."

"Hey, daniel, I'm going to. We need to talk about... about everything. Maybe breakfast?" Y/n suggests, caressing his cheek.

"Like, now?" he asks again, sitting up slightly, and his back muscles flexing.

"Well it's," She looks at the clock that was on his nightstand, "12:35 pm so."

"Uh, okay," he got up, his black Calvin Klein boxers showing through. She doesn't remember him not wearing clothes, but it was dark and late so she probably didn't notice

He threw on some black sweat pants and a tank top. Y/n got up, her baggy night t-shirt and shorts appearing still on her skin.

He handed her some of his black sweatpants, which will most likely not fit but she thanked him anyways.

She went into his bathroom, changing out of her shorts and replacing it with his baggy, black sweatpants. She fixed up her hair the best she could and walked out of his bathroom. He was sitting on his bed, on his phone. He looked up and smiled, standing up.

"You look beautiful," he whispered, sounding breath taken.

"Thank you," Y/n smiles; the pair walked out of his room and put on their shoes, heading to her car, buckling up, "Where to?"

"IHOP maybe?" he sheepishly said. Daniel and Y/n both knew that when they used to date, they'd go there every Sunday when daniel wasn't on tour. It was like their thing.

"Off to IHOP, then."

Word count: 408

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