The Beginning

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"This is what happens when the man who says he 'loves' you cheats on you with little miss skank skank Summer Rae and his friends help!! You get curb stomped, and round house kicked to the head." The crown starts chanting "Rollins cheated!" over and over again. "But now, let me introduce you to someone dear to my heart. You all know him, he is my brother, the one and only Rated "R" Superstar....Edge!"

As soon as his music starts the crowd goes wild!

Oh! How rude of me! My name is Penelope Copeland, or Ella Marie (which is my ring name). This is my story of how I fell in love with the Corporate Sell-Out then Captain Charisma, and brought down the Shield, one by one. It may seem mean, but this story will show everything. Don't judge me just yet. My story is only beginning, and after you read it, I dare say you would feel the same way.

Good luck readers, and remember -You WILL remember me, for centuries.

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