Chapter I

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"Stop! Stop!"

She rounded the corner and ducked into an open door. Stopping to catch her breath, she had to think of her next move.

"What was I thinking? I'm surely going to lose my hand this time. I've got to find somewhere to hide and now. Think Taliya! Think!"

As she went to move out the back door she saw him. Towering over her in his suit of gold with his long heavy sword drawn.

"You foolish woman. Have you no idea what you've done? Stealing from a Kingsguard? Now you must part with your hand."

"Please sir! I beg you to give me mercy. Anything but my hand. I must be able to work to provide for my children & I cannot work without my hand. I was just stealing to put bread on our table. Mercy please mercy I beg you." Taliya could lie like a snake and for years she'd been able to get out of all kinds of trouble just by using the old poor helpless mother excuse.

She let a few tears fall from her eyes as she looked upon the guard.

"Today is your lucky day then madam. Follow me."

Taliya's heart began to pound as she followed the guard to Flea Bottom. As soon as they reached the Blacksmith she knew something was up. Then she saw him.

She had seen Yoren many times collecting rapers and thieves to take to the Wall.

"Yoren! I have a lovely little thief that would make a nice addition to the Wall." The guard shoved Taliya to the ground and spat upon her face. "Give that to your starving children. This'll teach you to steal from a respected Kingsguard such as myself."

Taliya cried silently but couldn't muster any words. There were no women of the Night's Watch so she was terrified as to what would actually happen to her now.

"Hello dear." Yoren handed her his handkerchief. "Wipe your face and hop on Bruno. It's a long journey and we have many other stops to make to collect new recruits."

"Thank you." muttered Taliya. She wiped the slimy glob of saliva from her forehead and collected herself. She grabbed Yorens hand and picked herself up off the ground. As she dusted her pants off a man came around the corner in shackles. Then another one. And another.

"Must have been a dungeon clean out." she thought to herself. "Maybe I can wait until we get closer to the North and make an escape. I can't travel with rapers being the only woman in their company."

"Alright men and madam. We have a far journey ahead and little time to make it there. If you can't keep up we will be rid of the extra weight with just an arrow to the heart. If you try to escape you shall lose a foot and be left to the wolves. You are criminals and criminals get no choice when it comes to the Watch." Yoren looked at Taliya when he spoke. She glanced at him with a look of shock. It was like he had read her mind. He helped her upon his horse, Bruno, and they began the journey North.

"I really fucked up now."

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