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Chapter Thirty One

After damage control early this morning, I went back to sleeping by Clay's side. However, I woke up a mere hour later to his phone ringing. I reached over his body and unplugged his phone from the charger. Then, I squinted my eyes as I read the caller ID. It was George. He's up surprisingly early. Usually he sleeps until five in the evening his time. It's only two in the afternoon in England.

"Hello?" I mumbled into the phone after answering it.

"Salem? Why do you have Clay's phone?"

"Because you calling had woken me up and it was on the nightstand so I answered to shut it up. Clay's sleeping. He didn't get to bed until like five this morning; it's almost nine in the morning now."

"Oh," he exasperated.

"Why? Did you need to talk to him?"

"It's not too important. Actually! I called him to talk about you."

I quietly chuckled, "Oh yeah? What about me, George?"

"You're a fucking bitch. Why the fuck would you tweet about Dream and I being in a relationship?"

I giggled, "If I remember correctly, I never confirmed that you and him were together."

"No, you just told everyone to ship DreamNotFound because it has a better chance of sailing. You added a winky face! What the fuck?"

"I think you're overreacting. I mean, in what universe are you guys getting together anyway? Not this one. He has a girlfriend. You know it's lies."

"But the fans don't."

"Nick thought it was quite funny."

"Yeah, that's because he's not trending with his best friend worldwide for being in a relationship!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Do you want me to tweet out a public apology?"

"That'd be great."

I held Clay's phone against my ear as I grabbed mine from the nightstand on my side of the bed. I opened up Twitter and stifled a laugh as a DNF related tweet was the first thing I saw on my feed. I heard George scoff on the other end of the line. I took no time writing out an "apology" to appease George.

"There, I tweeted out an apology, you stupid lil' bitch."

@CalPal: Guys thE tweet i made abOut geoRGE and dream IS obviously false. hiM And dream are not together, K? I will Never be confirminG dnf. My twEet last night and all my TWEETs are false. THank you for lIStening.

"Why did you randomly capitalize letters?" He questioned.

"All letters deserve to feel like big men, George. Are you discriminating against lowercase and uppercase letters?"

"What? No? That—You just sound ridiculous."

"Well as much as I love talking to you, George, I'm going back to bed."

I could imagine him rolling his eyes and giving me attitude, "Whatever. Goodnight Cali."

"Bye George."

I hung up the phone and scrolled through the replies on my tweet. Everyone decoded it immediately. I'm surprised that George didn't catch on; he's a fellow Ravenclaw after all. Maybe he woke up too early and he's delirious from the sunlight.

@user3: idk why, but I feel like George made her tweet this

I decided to have some more fun and responded to this person.

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