Chapter 8

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The three of you stood still staying in your places. You laughed, "I'm not going anywhere. This man tried to rob me." The girl sighed and lowered her weapon. "You have got to be joking. We talked about this you can't go around stealing from people. Please ma,am, we won't hurt you. I will make him return anything he has taken from you." You scoffed. "How do I know neither of you will rob and kill me?" She put the dagger back in pocket. "I promise neither of us will hurt you. I would have done so already. Please trust me." You lowered your knife from his neck and backed away quickly.

The girl walked over to him. "Listen Kendo, I can explain-" Before he could finish Kendo grabbed his ear. "I can't belive you did this to this poor girl! You are so god damn lucky I don't kill you right here! How old are you!? You are acting like a child! Stealing from people! Give her anything you took and half of the gold coins in your pocket!" He flinched at her voice. "No way am I giving her my hard earned mon-" He was interrupted. "If you don't do it I will, and trust me I will give her more than half of it." She let go of his ear and he walked over to you

He pulled out a sack of money and looked through it grabbing a few coins. "Here", he said pouring the coins in your hand. "I didn't take anything from you. Again, you didn't have anything worth of value." Kendo shook her head. "You should be ashamed of yourself. Apologize and go wait by the docks." "You aren't the boss of me", he mumbled under his breath. She grabbed him pulling him close to her face. Even though she was smaller than him, it seemed as if she towered over him. "If your going to talk shit say it to my face. Got it." She let go of him. He walked over to you. "I apologize for trying to rob you ma,am. It was very wrong of me." You could tell he didn't mean of it. He walked off towards wherever the docks were. "I  am very sorry for his actions. I'm going to guess he used his magic to take you here."

You raised an eyebrow. "Is that what that was?" She nodded. "Yes, Shinsou is a warlock. I'm Kendo and I'm a knight. We were sent on a mission by Queen Midoriya." You tried to avoid looking at her. You felt very awkward. "May I ask what your name is?" Still avoiding eye contact you said,"Y/n" She smiled. "Well Y/n, do you need any help getting somewhere? I can take you there is you want." You smiled and looked up at her. "Thank you but I'm fine. I just need directions to the castle." She dug through her bag and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "This is a map of the Kingdom. It's enchanted so it tells you where you are. I hope you find your way back to the castle." You nodded. "Thank you for the map and saving me from your friend." She turned around and headed for the docks. "It was really no problem. Safe travels Y/n." You watched as she walked towards the docks. 

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