Chapter 42

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Persephone watched as the last of her mother's initiates walked out of the Ploutonion. Tears streaked down fast on her cheeks and she can't stop them. Keleos, Triptolemus, Eumolpos, Diocles and Polyxeinus bowed their heads low to the Goddess of Spring, but she kept her head down, sobbing quietly. Demeter embraced her daughter, whose body was shaking like a leaf in her arms. 

"Oh, my petal. Stop your tears. I know you are eager to go back to the Underworld, but your lord husband will get the wrong idea if you continue to cry like this," Demeter chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. 

I don't want to go back to the Underworld. I don't want to go back to Hades, she thought miserably, gooseflesh broke all over her skin as she tasted bile in her mouth. The thought of being touched by Hades made her skin crawl.

"I'm just going to miss you so much," Persephone whispered, Demeter tightened her wrap around her daughter. 

"I'm already missing you," Demeter said, kissing her daughter's forehead affectionately. 

"I love you, mother," Persephone said quietly, tears still streaming down her cheeks. 

"I love you too, my petal," Demeter said softly, watching her daughter turned away and walked towards the giant boulder at the far end of the cavern.

Hermes was waiting for her with a smile. "My queen," he greeted with a bright smile, as he bowed his head low to Persephone. She looked at him and gave him a weak smile, her tears were still incessant. 

"Persephone, you are almost home. Aidoneus is just a few moments away," Hermes said, as he brushed away her tears on both cheeks. Her body began to shook again and she quickly buried her face in Hermes' chest. Hermes wrapped his arms around her protectively, stroking her hair gently.

Something is very wrong, Hermes thought to himself. With a hand held fast on Persephone's waist and the other slid under the crook of her knees, Hermes carried Persephone as they stepped through the threshold and started their katabasis

Persephone wrapped her arms around his neck, still sobbing quietly. Hermes put her down gently in Hades' chariot. One hand holding Persephone securely to him, the other holding tightly on the reins of the four sable-black horses. Hermes pulled on the reins, and dark shadows engulfed them. The trotting of the horses turned into swift galloping as they descended deeper into Erebos towards the Palace of Hades.

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