Chapter 45

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Hello! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


Hikaru took a deep gulp of fresh air, and Yuu yanked off his blindfold. His eyes remained closed for a few seconds as if he didn't recall how to open them, but the misty air whispered so sweetly against them. He opened, blinking a few times. 

It was bright. It was so bright and Hikaru loved it. 

Yuu was tiny, her hair falling around her shoulders in a soft white, her eyes a dark, crimson red. Scars spanned her shoulders, and she couldn't have been more than 15 at the latest. It put her right around Naruto's age. 

A familiar high-pitched sound screeched out, and then Yuu was stepping to the side, her crimson eyes closing. They had hints of yellow in them, further solidifying the moment. 

He staggered to the ground, pain weakly hitting him, a smear of red on the blurry grass. Hikaru lay there for a second, trying to remember how to work his limbs, trying to remember how to feel his chakra. Then, of course, reality hit him in the form of a shouted jeer followed by echoing laughter. 

They're playing games with us. The voice whispered, low and clear. He couldn't quite hear it that well because it was so bright and his limbs were weak. A small spark of hope fluttered inside of him, growing into a flame as he saw the treeline. 

He got up and started running through the streets, supressing his chakra like he remembered how to do. His legs were weak, but chakra pumped through them and he was alive

Hikaru ducked behind a tree, quickly climbing it and jumping onto another branch, swinging himself up. He could feel the weapon in his stomach fall off, landing in the dirt below. 

He knew there would be people on his trail. He just didn't expect this much. 

You're a mad man.

Hikaru paid no attention to the amused voice, whisking himself behind a tree and grabbing at the nin that flew past. His legs locked around their neck and he leaned forward, grasping at another branch so that the neck snapped.

He dropped to the ground and quickly frisked the still-warm body for tools. He found a couple of kunai, a standard tanto, and a few dulled shuriken. He searched her other pockets for a roll of bandages before his instincts flared and he jumped to the side. 

His eyes closed, his chakra hovering around him to sense. He was used to having his eyes closed, it was familiar, almost. 

A kunai was thrown at him and Hikaru swiftly leapt back into the trees, stumbling over a branch and getting nicked in the shoulder. He cursed his weak, useless legs and bit his lip as he fell to the forest floor. 

The grass was so soft. 

Hikaru shook his head, getting up and just running. He let his insticts heighten- his ears searching for the distinct sound of kunai scraping against cloth or other metal, the sound of footsteps on branches behind him. 

His eyes opened again, and Hikaru jumped onto the water- there was no land in sight, but there was also nowhere to go. The shinobi behind him groaned, and Hikaru heard a few complaints. 

Hikaru breathed in the sea air, continuing to walk although the waves were completely and utterly rough- he had no doubt that he would fall in a few times, as well as no doubt that when he reached land he'd have to swim towards it. 

So he walked. His hair got damp with sea water and he was exhausted completely and utterly, his chest heaving with every step. The sun on the water got so bright that he winced, before completely closing his eyes so he wouldn't go blind.

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