The past

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"Are you scared of me touching you" Peter asks
It just hit me every time Peter has touched me I've flinched it was a habit a bad habit one I got from someone who I let get close to me.

"Can I tell you something no one knows" I ask putting trust in Peter.

"You can tell me anything remember we're friends" Peter says

"Well it's about James. The first month of our relationship was perfect he wasn't how he is now he got the drinks from his dad. Then one time when I came to his place he was drunk and was angry at his father. I made one comment to him and he turned around and hit me. And I couldn't tell anyone because if my father found out I wouldn't get to go to public school or be a normal teen. And so he threatened me to not tell anyone so I didn't bother making friends. Later James gotten bipolar and his aggression got out of hand and I couldn't stop him. As much as I wanted to leave him I just couldn't it's complicated" I told Peter with watery eyes.

Peter stared at the table in front of him in disbelief. I start crying I wasn't sure how he was going to take it.

Peters POV

I can't believe that Y/N just shared such a private piece of her life to me. And it's terrible what I saw in the ally the day I witnessed James hit her I never thought it was even worse that what it seemed.

"How many times has he hurt you" I asked not sure if I wanted to know the answer.

" I don't remember I'd say 50" she said tears streaming from her eyes.
I opened my arms for her to come in for comfort. And she practically fell in my arms crying she clutched my waist with her face in my stomach. "Can I touch your back I asked" I see her head nod yes. I slowly put my hands on her back rubbing circles. After 15 minutes she stops crying I whisper her name and no response she was asleep. 20 minutes later We're still on the couch when I hear the door opening.

"Peter are you home" may says.
She see me on the couch with Y/N and smiles.

"Is this Y/N" May asks.
Then I feel Y/N starting to wake up her eyes are still red from crying. She sees aunt may.

"Oh hey you must be May" Y/N says in a tired voice.

"Yes I am and you must be Y/N I've heard a lot about you" may says.

"Oh you have?" Y/N says
I feel slightly embarrassed by that.

"Sorry what time is it" Y/N asks.

"Uh 5:57" Mays says.

"Oh no I'm supposed to be home in 3 minutes" Y/N says while getting her things.

"Oh well I don't want your dad and I to get off on the wrong foot" I said.
I help her pick up her things.


I text happy telling him the address he responds "Be there in 10 minutes"

"Peter" I say.

" Yes" he replies.

"Please don't tell anyone about you know James and I" I say

"Oh ya you can trust me" Peter says.

"Thanks Peter you mean a lot to me. Oh and sorry for getting snot and tears all over your hoodie" I say.

"Oh ha it's nothing. Thanks for trusting me" Peter says blushing.
I see a text from happy saying he's here.

"My rides here I'll see you later" I say.

"Well thanks for coming over. Oh and what's your phone number" peter says
We exchange phone numbers and I get in the car and head home.

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