15. She's always loved wolves

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"OW! Merlins balls this hurts," Sirius yelped as a sneeky niffler bit his finger while trying to steal his signature silver ring. James and Hyde cackled like mad men as Sirius finger started to drip with blood and he glared daggers at them.

"That's what you get for not taking that shit off like you were told," Carmen said trying to supress her own laughter while she rubbed her nifflers stomach.

"The cheeky bastard's smirking at me," Sirius hissed making dark eyecontact with the little creature. Sure enough the fluffy niffler had a sly smirk plastered on its little face, it knew exactly what it was doing.

"It's his halloween spirit Padfoot," James said pulling up the hood on his robe making him look like a muggle with a bad wizards costume.

"They're so cute, I understand why Mr Scamander loved them so much," Hyde chuckled as his niffler played around on his tanned neck and shoulders.

"You guys got the nice ones! Mines a bitch," Sirius spat bitterly as his niffler continued to piss him off even more nipping on his fingers and trying to scurry up his robe arm.

"Don't call my nifflers such foul names Mr Black," the professor barked at him while placing a big cardboard box down in the middle of the room angrily. "Place all of them back here now please."

"Sorry professor," Sirius mumbled as he and his three friends trudged over to place the nifflers with the others.

"Alright class, I want a three page essay on nifflers. How they were found, how they are cared for, how they live etc by next lesson. Thank you and have a good week. For those playing this weekend good luck!" the professor announced ushering the students out of the Care of Magical Creatures classroom. The four of them made their way towards the Great Hall for lunch joking and laughing, mostly at the expense of Sirius' finger.

"Sirius are you still planning on having that party this weekend for your birthday?" Hyde asked.

"Yeah but the party will only happen if Gryffindor wins the quidditch match, if we lose I plan on just chilling with friends in my dorm probably or something," he answered nodding his head.

"My wittle Siwius is gwowing up sow fawst," James teased Sirius pinching his cheeks which earned him a hard slap on the hand. Carmen and Hyde laughed as the two boys began to playfully wrestle most definately leaving markes on eachother.

"Bye Hyde!" The three Gryffindors called out as the Ravenclaw left them for his own house table where his friends sat conversing. The three Gryffindors sauntered over to their own table and seated themselves with their groups of friends, Carmen sat with the girls a few meters away from the famous Marauders.

The full moon was tonight and Remus was not handeling it well. His skin was deathly pale, his whole body was aching, his eyelids wouldn't stay up and he was constantly having to hold himself back from flipping out on people. His head was resting on the table and his hair was in his food, not even looking up when Sirius and James seated themselves in front of him talking animatedly about the upcoming quidditch game.

"Is Remus ok?" Carmen asked Lilly concered while looking at Remus from where she sat.

"He's sick again, he slept through the whole arithmancy lesson," Lilly answered now also looking at the poor werewolf.

"He gets sick a lot doesn't he?" Dorcas commented before shoveling a spoonful of pea and ham soup into her mouth.

"Remus has a bad immunsystem, plus it's getting cold now. Marlene do you have practice today?" Lilly answered hastily trying to end the conversation. She was the only person other than James, Sirius and Peter who knew about Remus' werewolf problem and she would take that secret to the grave.

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