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Rushing my essay, I ran towards Professor Snape's office.

I knocked, saying I'd like to pass my essay.

"Two minutes late, Ms. Bryce."
His hooked nose faced me,

"I'm sorry, Proffesor."
At this rate, he'd not want to hear 'excuses' as to why I'm late.

The best I can do is just apologize.

He scoffed, shoving my paper in his drawer. Handing me a few piles of paper,

"Pass this off to Professor Lupin, say I'd like to have these graded."
Taking the papers, I contemplated asking where Professor Lupin was.

"Don't just sit there, best be on your way."
He pushed me out of his office, slamming the door shut.

Knock, knock, knock

"Come in, please!"

Opening the door, making my way to his office.

"Hello, Professor."
He looked up, smiling.

"Hello, dear. What brings you here in my office?"

I set the files of papers on his desk, saying that Professor Snape had asked me to deliver it to him.

"He'd like me to grade this?"

"Yes, sir. I don't really know why, sorry.."
He shook his head, organizing his desk to bring space for the papers.

"No, you don't have to apologize. I'll have this done by tomorrow,"
He began grading the papers as I stood there, waiting for something else.

"I'll be going now, Professor."

"Oh, yes yes. Thank you for bringing me this, Ms...?"

"Bryce, Professor. Elladora Bryce,"
Smiling down at him,

I had said to ask for me whenever he needs someone to do his errands.

"I don't get how you're not afraid of Professor Snape."
Eddy whispered, trying to be discreet.

"I am.. Just don't show it well, anyways, shush!"
Going back to jotting down notes, Eddy kept on annoying me and poking my sides.

Messing up my concentration,

"Will you stop that?!"

Realizing I had just yelled out loud and now everyone is looking at the both of us.

"Is there anything else you'd like to say, dear?"
Proffesor Bathsheda asked, I shook my head no.

"Sorry, Professor..."
I hit Eddy with my notebook as he snickered at my embarrassment.

"I despise you, very much."

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